Chapter 12 - So what are we then?

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Hey everyone! (sorry I've become one of these people that writes little messages on stories) so basically hi, I'm writing this chapter as quickly as i can for you because you're all so lovely and supportive and I just wanna give you all hugs <3 ^-^ and also I'm in a really creative mood, like I'm drawing a massive like a2 wolf idk why. anyway,


(Holy crap I wrote that first bit and then haunt started playing on shuffle holy moly that was cool sorry anyway sorry thought I'd share that..)

By now, everyone had migrated to the music room, and I was in a trance-like state listening to my favourite band ever playing Haunt, my favourite ever song.

Soon they stopped playing and I was snapped out of my trance. Quite literally, Dan and Kyle were snapping their fingers in my face.

"Huh?" I suddenly came to life.

"Talk about earth to Sophia.." Kyle laughed.

I noticed how dark Kyle's eyes were, they were a deep chocolate colour. Okay sure, he was cute.. But not a patch on Dan. No way.

"Come on Soph, it's our turn to go get drinks!" Dan chimed and dragged me to the kitchen.

"Still on cider?" Dan asked.

"Yep, unless you have pimms of course. Ooh, or some exotic cocktail!" I joked.

"Don't be silly Sophia. Hah, I'm going to call you that from now on!"

"Nooooo! that makes me sound.. well silly." I pouted.

Dan erupted into fits of laughter at my stupidity.

"Right, come on, drinks!" I say before his laughing gets too out of hand.

He bent down to the fridge, retrieving the drinks. I noticed how graceful his every move was.. not that I was watching his every move, that sounded creepier than intended..

He looked up at me, handing me my can of cider. I pulled it open, sipping a little. I noticed that Dan was staring straight at me, watching my lips, before pulling his eyes up to mine. This continued for a while, before Dan piped up.


"Yes Dan?" I almost whispered.

"I was wondering, do you.. do you want to try again? as in us? I mean it's fine if you don't want to, but I just... I really like you.." he said nervously, tripping over his words.

There was a long pause as I thought.

"I mean you don't have to or anything, I was just wondering if you wanted to give it a try, just to-"

Before he could say anymore, I silenced him by pressing my lips against his.

We moved in sync and I melted at his touch as he brushed his hand through my hair, giving me little chills.

"Umm.. guys?"

Oh god.

Woody was stood in the doorway with Kyle and Will. They were all wiggling their eyebrows and cooing.

"We were just, um.." Dan muttered, searching for words.

"We were getting drinks for you, so get your nosy asses back in there and play me a song." I demanded, jokingly.

"Ooh!" they all mocked.

Well I guess keeping it secret was out of the picture.

Kiss Me. - Dan Smith love story.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora