Chapter 10 - Coffee

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I walked home, Dan never leaving my mind. I unlocked my door, and collapsed onto the sofa. It was good to be home. I slowly unraveled the bandage off my arm, revealing several angry, red lines. I decided to leave them be. I had a shower, and put on my black jeans and green tiger top. I slipped on my red converse, grabbed my keys, phone and walked out the door towards the coffee shop a couple of streets away. I stepped into the coffee shop and sat down at a table in the back. Almost as soon as I'd say down Dan came into sight, but he hasn't seen me. He was looking around trying to spot me. I took this opportunity to admire him. His rough, dark hair all spiked up in different directions, his turned up skinny jeans, his blue denim jacket, eraser head shirt, and his beautiful eyes. So sharp and clear blue. They seemed to change colour a lot of the time. He finally spotted me and grinned as he made his way over to me. The first thing he said was sorry.

"Why the hell are you sorry?"

"We'll I'm late!"

"No you're not! I only just got here! Don't be so silly"

I could tell he was nervous about seeing me. Well, who could blame him. Yesterday I tried to kill him.

No, I did.

Leave me alone.

I shushed the voice in my head.

I realised that his hand was waving in front of my face.

"Sorry, blanked out for a minute there" I smiled.

"What can I get you guys?" A cheery female voice was suddenly present.

"Oh just a latte for me thanks."

"And I'll have a mocha please!" Dan chimed.

"So.. How are you doing?" I said.

"Oh, I'm alright I guess. Just been writing a song. I'm in a very write-ey mood at the moment." He chuckled.

"What about you?" He added.

What the fuck am I supposed to say to that. I was a mess and stayed with a complete stranger after running away from you because of a voice in my head?

"I'm fine!" I lied.

A tall glass was placed in front of me. I loved latte. I sipped it and sighed.

"What's up?" Dan asked, concerned.

Well I just feel like my life has no substance and I don't know what I'm living for and I feel like I've let everyone that cares for me down and I just don't know why I'm still trudging through this swamp that is my life.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I lied, again.

I only realised that Dan was wearing his glasses when they steamed up from his drink. I giggled as he attempted to wipe them, only managing to smudge more and more chocolate over them.

"Here." I said. "Let me get that for you"

I took a napkin and wiped the mess off his glasses.

"Ahh, sight!" He looked around, admiring his new found 'talent'.

I laughed out loud because he looked a little like an old mole that had been introduced to daylight for the first time.

He flicked some frothy milk onto my face. I glared at him before returning the favour. Before you could snap your fingers we were being thrown out by a short italian man with an unfortunately stereotypical moustache.

"Av'a some'a respect!" He shouted after a hysterical Sophia and Dan.

"Well that was fun!" Dan chimed.

"What now?" I said still giggling.

"Why don't you come meet Kyle, Will and Woody?"

"Oh my god yes!" I practically yelled, grinning my face off.

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