Chapter 7 - Taken over.

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I quickly started to panic. What was I doing? I'd only met him today for christ's sake!

But you know you like him.. A lot..

I heard a devilish voice giggle in my head.

What's happening to me.

"Soph?" Dan said, concerned.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped. What's wrong with me?

What's wrong with you?!

What's wrong with him!!

"Sophia?? Are you okay?"

No, no I'm not.

I buried my head under his pillow. Dark thoughts and feelings were swirling around in my head like a big, sick mess.

I ran down to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife. What's happening to me??

I heard the loud, colossal footsteps crashing down the stairs.


I held the knife out in front of me. He appeared before me and froze.

"Not a step closer."

I'm so sorry Dan.

But you're not really, are you? Little slut.

"STOP IT!" I screamed.

He was still stood there; his eyes were wide like saucers. He was clearly swamped with fear and concern.

"Run.." I managed to wheeze out, overcoming myself for a few seconds.


He stumbled out of the front door.

The knife fell from my hand before I fell to the ground, weeping.


Stop it. Stop it now.

The panic in me reached for the knife.

No, don't. Please.

Why not? You're useless anyway. Stupid slut.

A sharp pain ran through my wrist, and again, and again.

My hand turned red with the blood oozing from my own arm.

Look what you've done you stupid bitch.

"Please.. Please stop.."

Make me, slut.

I looked up to the door to see a terrified Dan stood, watching in horror. He slowly approached me. The knife was still in my hand. He slowly eased it out of my hand and put it on the counter the other side of the room.

"Thankyou." I whispered, my voice lost from the shouting. Dan reached for a drawer, before retrieving a first aid kit, taking out the bandage.

He wrapped my arm in bandage, cleaned my blood from the floor, and led me to the living room. He sat me down, laid a blanket over me before returning to the kitchen. All in complete silence.

The voice was still there.

He'll never speak to you again. He's too scared of you. Psycho.




I could hear the kettle click, indicating that the water was boiled. The tinkling of a teaspoon could be heard before he returned, mug in hand.


I accepted the beverage gladly.

He looked deep into my eyes. He could see that I was hurting, scared and worried.

"Dan.." I choked.

"Yes Sophia?" A hint of fear still remained in his eyes. Oh god, poor Dan... What have I put him through?

"Soph, please."

"Yes Soph?"

"I.. I don't know what came over me.."

Yes you do you little slut. I came over you.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm sorry.. But.."

You slut. You lead him on and now you're just gonna drop him? Just like that? Slag.

"I'm so sorry Dan, but I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?"

I choked as more tears fell.

"I think we should take things more slowly. Start off as friends. See where it goes."

He smiled pitifully.

"Okay Sophia"

I smiled gratefully, before getting my coat, and leaving.

Kiss Me. - Dan Smith love story.Where stories live. Discover now