Chapter 4 - Do you want to stay?

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We sat for a while, just listening to one-another breathing. I lay my head on his chest as it was rising and falling beneath me. Everything was so peaceful. It was perfect.

"Hey Soph?" He mumbled.

"Yes Dan?"

"Do you want to stay here tonight? I've got a spare bed, and you could just wear some of my clothes to bed.. I mean if you don't want to then that's fine but.."

"Yes Dan" I cut him off. "Yes I'd like to sleep here tonight." I finished before giggling.

I looked up and saw his crooked grin. I leant up and kissed him on the cheek before wrapping my arms around him.

"Do you like tea?" He asks.

"Who doesn't??" I say grinning into his warm chest.

"Let's go make some, I fancy a cuppa!" He says cheerily.

"Aw but I don't wanna moveeee.."

"Well you stay here, I'll go make it on my own" he suggests.

"But I don't want you to move eitheeeer" I whine.

"We'll see about that!" He grins evilly.

Before I can even begin to protest he lifts me up and puts me over his shoulder, before carrying me out into the kitchen. I scream and punch his back but he doesn't give in. He puts me down carefully into the sink and I immediately start sulking.

"Hmph." I say in disgust.

He puts the kettle on.

"Milk, sugar?"

"Yes and 2 please! Don't judge I have a sweet tooth!" I say laughing.

"Well that sulk didn't last very long did it?"

"Shhh" I say in defeat.

He left the tea to brew and came over to lift me out of the sink.

"Why did you put me in the sink meanie?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"Because it was hilarious" he said smirking.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. He snaked his arms around my waist and did the same. I felt so safe and secure in Dan's arms. I listened to his heart beat in his chest, his chin resting on my head. I took in his woody smell. I felt the warmth radiating from his skin, and his firm body supporting mine.

I rested my forehead against his and looked into his eyes.

They were rings of navy, then piercing blue, and black-blue near his jet black pupils. All of the colours blended with icicle-like patterns. They were much more beautiful than my boring old green eyes.

"I love your eyes.." He whispered.

"They're nothing compared to yours.." I murmur.

"Mine are just boring old blue!"

"They're gorgeous Dan! Mine are boring!"

"They're the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen Sophia.." He says looking into them, making me blush violently.

"God, you sure know how to make me blush..."

"Do I? You're so cute when you blush!" He says tugging lightly on my cheek.

I just giggled.

"Tea!" He said handing me a mug that said 'give me coffee' on it.

"Why thank you!" I say politely.

We sit down on the floor slurping and sipping our tea.

I snuggled up to him once I'd finished my tea, and rested my head upon his shoulder. Dan started to sing.

"When you fall asleep... With your head upon my shoulder, when you're in my arms, but you've gone somewhere deeper.."

Then I joined in.

"Are you going to age with grace? Are you going to age without mistakes? Are you going to age with grace? Only to wake and hide your face.."

Kiss Me. - Dan Smith love story.Where stories live. Discover now