Chapter 11 - Meeting the band.

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As we walked towards Dan's car, he was busy making phone calls to the others arranging band practice tonight at 6. On the way back to Dan'a place we stopped off to get some beers and some cider. Because I don't like beer. I made that very clear.

We got back and put the bottles in the fridge to chill whilst we waited for the others. I plonked myself down on the sofa and switched on an episode of the Simpsons to pass time. I was soon joined by Dan. He practically crushed me as he jumped on me.

"Ouch! Get off you lump!" I laughed.

"Me? A lump? Babe look at me." He said winking. I felt a little blush creeping up and filling my cheeks. Please don't let him notice, if he does it'll only inflate his ego even more-

"See, look at you blushing, you know I'm right" he said, a grin tugging at his lips.

"Shut your mouth, your ego might overflow and stain the carpet." I said, the sass dripping from my voice.

"Ouch. That hurt, right here." He mocked, pointing at his heart.

With that, three other lumps joined us and jumped on top of us.

"Oh great, what is this a lump parade." I said sarcastically.

"Oh we weren't, er, disturbing you were we?" Said a cheeky looking guy with a dashing moustache.

"Shut up Kyle." Said Dan, glaring at him.

"Yeah, shut up Kyle. Also, 'ello governor, nice tache! Great to meet you at last!" I said sticking out my hand offering its shaking skills.

"You must be Sophia. We've heard SO much about you!" Kyle said, clearly trying to embarrass poor Dan. His plan had clearly worked as a bright pink blush filled Dan's cheeks. He cleared his throat before introducing the rest of the band.

"Er, Sophie this is Chris but everybody calls him Woody, and this is Will, he's our guitarist."

"Hi!" They both smiled in unison. "Jinx! Touch wood!" They both said as they patted poor Woody on the head.

"Every time.." Woody muttered.

I just giggled, these guys obviously spent a lot of time together.

"So yeah, anyone for a beer?" Dan grinned before hands flew into the air. "Oh, and a cider for Soph." He said smirking.

-I'm gonna leave it there for now because its midnight and I'm tired >-< love ewe!<3

Kiss Me. - Dan Smith love story.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt