Chapter 9

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    "We are gathered here today to discuss the war against the forest cats." Moonblaze hid in a plant that was starting to grow on the roof of the Twoleg den, looking at the cats through a crack in the roof. "I say we attack them now! How could they stop us? We outnumber them!" There were yowls of agreement, but the cat up front bared her teeth. "Silence!"

     Moonblaze narrowed her eyes. She recognized that cat... Then she remembered. It was the rogue who she fought in the Twoleg place, when she went to get the cure for bloodcough. It was the cat who she had seen interrogating Littlefur. "We have to power to do so Ink." One cat near the front spat. Ink turned on the cat, deadly calm, and he shrunk back into the ranks.

     "Ink is right." A voice meowed. An awfully familiar voice. She felt betrayal and fury well up inside of her as a smoke colored tom padded forward, and everyone let him past. "Rippleheart." Ink said smoothly. "Tell us your... plan." "We have another force who is willing to help take over the clans." Rippleheart announced. "Cats who have been waiting for moons and moons for a chance to take revenge." Moonblaze held her breath. Who? "The Dark Forest."

     The cats assembled immediately began to taunt and jeer. "We don't believe in forest cat kitten tales!" One cat shouted. "Silence!" Ink howled, and the cats fell silent. Ink turned to Rippleheart, who seemed amused by the rogue's disbelief and suspicion. "Rippleheart, where is your proof?"

     Rippleheart lazily glanced over his shoulder. "I have one with me." A cat stepped out of the shadows. Her fur was matted with blood and she smelled of rotten plants. Her teeth were stained red, and her eyes glittered with cruel amusement. "This is-" "I can introduce myself you fox brained fool." She hissed. Rippleheart merely nodded, stepping back.

     The cat stepped forward, and it was then that Moonblaze noticed that her fur was transparent. "My name is Mapleshade." The Dark Forest cat purred, although her purr sounded like a cat getting run over on the Thunderpath. "And I am just one of the many of us who still have a taste for blood and war."

     She swept her gaze over the rogues. "Not bad." She sniffed. "I expected warriors though. Are they willing to fight?" "They are willing to kill." Ink confirmed. The two she cats studied each other. Mapleshade suddenly lunged at Ink, who ducked, and attempted to slash at her with unsheathed claws. Mapleshade dodged and raked her claws across Ink's muzzle.

     Ink didn't even flinch, instead, biting down on Mapleshade's ear. Moonblaze half expected her teeth to go right through Mapleshade's ear. Instead, she was surprised when it opened up a gash. The two she cats stepped away from each other. "Not bad." Mapleshade said. Ink nodded and sat down, head still held up high.

     "How do you intend to make the first strike?" One cat asked. Mapleshade purred. "By killing the ShadowClan's leader's daughter of course." She turned around, and her eyes locked with Moonblaze's. "Hello Moonblaze. Care to join us?" 


Talontail (drittenlover): Heh... author not here yet! Let's do bad things! *kicks over lamp* *spills organic dorito crumbs everywhere* *does snow angels in the organic dorito crumbs*

~SilverWolfFlame has logged on~

SilverWolfFlame: *calmly takes out nerf gun*

Jay (Sandstormstyle) (demigod, not from Immortal Wars): Ooh! Weapons! Yaaay! *takes out two swords and rubs them together, making a metal clanking sound*

Holly (SilverWolfFlame) (demigod): You couldn't even hurt a stump if you tried.

Jay: Oh yeah? *chops stump in half*

Holly: *blasts tree with lightning and it falls on top of the stump, smashing it to bits* Beat that water boy.

Jay: *floods the whole world*

Holly: *flies above flood* *sticks out tongue* Try and get me up here! *shoots lightning into the water and... let's just say something very bad happens when lightning comes in contact with water*

SilverWolfFlame: Children, be calm! There are enough Doritos in this world for everyone!

Everyone: ...

SilverWolfFlame: Scratch that, enough until I eat them all. 

[OLD] Dangers in the Dark (Book 2) [Warrior Cat Fanfiction] | DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang