Chapter 1

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     Moonblaze pricked her ears. No one was awake. Even Littlefur, who was supposed to be on guard, was sleeping. Are you really going to do this? She stopped at the entrance of the den. Of course! He's your friend! But... he's RiverClan.

     Quickly, she slipped past the entrance, padding into the woods. The pine needles crunched under her paws, and an owl hooted in the distance. Turn back! The wind whispered. Go back! Moonblaze ignored the voice nagging at her in her head and padded forward. She peered out from behind the trees. He's here!

     Rippleheart sat quietly on the shore, eyes searching the shadows of the pine forest. Her legs felt frozen. She couldn't step forward. An image of a river of blood came back to her, and she remember her dream. This is why you must not get distracted. She took a step back. Shadowstar! She was trying to warn me! Was I really just going to betray my clan? She turned around, walking away from the river. I'm sorry Rippleheart. But my clan comes first.

     "Moonblaze! Wake up you lazy furball!" Moonblaze hissed in annoyance and opened her eyes. Crowtail was calmly sitting by the entrance. "Come on! Badgerclaw's assigning patrols!" Which means Fangshade is still sick... "Okay, okay! Keep your whiskers on!" She padded outside, and let the sunlight warm her pelt. "Finally! Leafbare's over!" Crowtail cheered. "I hope the prey will run well." Moonblaze stated.

     "About time you decided to come out." Badgerclaw grumbled. "Moonblaze, I want you to take a patrol to the RiverClan border. See if the ice melted yet." Moonblaze stiffened. RiverClan. Rippleheart. She shook off her anxious feelings. "Who's up for a RiverClan patrol?" "I'll go!" Crowtail volunteered. "So will I!" Icestorm meowed, padding forward. "Mind if we join you?" Rockfoot called. "It would be good practice for Stormpaw!" "Sure." Moonblaze purred.

     As they made their way through the forest, Rockfoot walked next to her. "Would you like to view Stormpaw's battle session at sunhigh?" Moonblaze blinked. "Why?" "Well, with both Nightsong and Foxstripe in the nursery, you're probably going to get one of their kits as an apprentice." Moonblaze considered that. That makes sense. With two queens, Icestorm, Shadepelt, and I have a good chance of becoming one of their mentors. "Sure." She meowed. "I'll see you at the training area at sunhigh."

     A movement near the RiverClan border caught her eye. Duckfeather! Duckfeather was glaring at her, teeth bared. "You!" She spat. "It's your fault!" "My fault?" Moonblaze asked confused. "He left. He killed him. It's all your fault." She turned around disgustedly, leaving Moonblaze confused. "Don't listen to her." Crowtail comforted. "RiverClan's always up to something." Moonblaze nodded, feeling uneasy. Could she mean Rippleheart? 


SilverWolfFlame: Yup, I'm back! I didn't die!

Moonblaze: I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing...

Unicorn_Queen_dabs: ...

Sunfern (Sandstormstyle): *grooms fur*


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Moonblaze: O.o

SilverWolfFlame: ... I have no words right now.

Moonblaze: I have this odd feeling that I've seen that before...

SilverWolfFlame: ... 

[OLD] Dangers in the Dark (Book 2) [Warrior Cat Fanfiction] | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now