Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely cousin, one and only sis, one in a million, my special advisor, my secret bearer and role model. I represent to you all the shining star and the sizzling siren 👉🏼 ❤️khedushh ❤️
With all my love...

The shocking news we received frightened us to an indescribable extent. I felt my blood pressure rising. My heart beating faster and harder. I sat down to calm myself and became strong. I couldn't imagine how Aisha will feel after knowing her mother was suffering from cancer and she refused to fight it.
I cried inside. Aman's unhappy mood confirmed what he said. It took me minutes to register the shocking news before reacting on it.

''Aman I know you feel so sad about your present situation, but everything that happen is preordained. I want you to keep on praying, I believe prayer can change everything," I expressed my heartfelt sympathy.

"My only concern is my sister, she become extremely bereaved whenever something bad happen. She will be devastated. My mother promised not to travel to Egypt for her surgery and she won't have it here either, she wanna die,"he spoke in a faint voice.

"We promise not to say a word about this to Aisha but you have to convince mother to fight," Hanan spoke.
"Yeah that's right. We will support you, by hook or crook," Sadiya assured him.

I thought for a long time before I made up my mind to see Aisha's mom and try convincing her. I knew it was an extremely difficult mission I was willing to embark on but I vowed to do my best for my friend.

"Can I go see your mom?" I asked the helpless looking Aman.
"What for?" The typical Nigerian answered a question with another question, with no hope in his eyes.
"I think I have a contribution to make. I wanna go to her and try convincing her," I answered with a lot of courage. I didn't plan on what to say to her at that very moment but all I knew was I will convince her no matter what.
"Do you think you can?" He enquired again.
"I can, with Allah's help'" I gave an assuring smile.
After much questions and debate, Aman finally trusted me and gave me a chance to try my best. We then planned on how to do it.

We all sat down smiling as if everything was rosy when we sighted Aisha and Jidda coming towards the reception.
"Yaya Aman," she squirreled upon seeing her dearest brother.
"My little baby sis, how have you been?" He teased.
"Stop calling me a little baby, can't you see I'm almost as tall as you are?"she pouted, sticking out her tongue. Aman smiled while observing his sister's happiness.
"Yaya Aman what's wrong with your eyes, there're crimson? You cried?" She enquired, furrowing her brows in concern.

Aman faked a laughter before he gave an answer to the enquirer, "how on earth do you think a guy like me can cry? Remember I'm handsome and I got you as my sister. Nothing on planet earth can make me weep."
She seemed convinced by his fake statements.

"I think I have to get going now." He said, glancing at his wristwatch.
"Do you mean you are leaving without saying a word about mother?" Aisha questioned, giving him a serious look.

What she said sent fear down our spine. 'Does this mean she heard what Aman told us? She eavesdropped? But how? OMG."

"Remember you promised to look for her. I even dreamt of her yesterday, putting on a white gown on a sick bed. While I moved towards her, her bed moved towards the opposite direction. At last she waved at me and disappeared into the gloom," a tear rolled down her cheeks.

"That's why I love calling you a little baby, how can you start to cry over mere dreams. Did you supplicate before sleeping yesterday?" Aman asked. She couldn't talk but shook her head instead.
"You see, that was why you had that scary dream. Don't bother yourself, the opposite of the dream will happen." She nodded after listening to her brother.

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