Chapter 6

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This chapter is now decided to ☝🏼☝🏼☝🏼Halimah Umar zxzxaa she have this weird username right?😛 Thanks  so much for the support and encouragement friend.

Let's go.....

We entered the party hall and all eyes were on us. 'The poor girl and the opulent man' will make a good news headline.
     "Mr. Malik" people screamed from different angles. He waved at them with one hand and the other hand was holding my hand as we walked through the crowd. He loves smiling.

"Where are your friends Angel?"he asked me, closed to my ear. I looked around and saw my three friends looking awestruck. I pointed at the direction where they were seated. 
He took me to my seat and let me sat down before answering my friends greetings . "Bye Angel, see ya " he waved and left. People stared at him but he doesn't seem to bother at all. He didn't care, he was being himself and I liked that.

I watched him as he elegantly walked and sat at the high table.
I turned to my friends and saw millions of questions in their eyes.
"Save it all of you, we will take after the party" Aisha said.

The party was nice. Speeches, advices and so on. I hate listening to speeches. Speeches are boring.
"Now I'm going to call on Mr. Malik to present his speech" the principal said. I turned as fast as I could when I heard his name being called.
  He stood up. People shouted happily, it seemed people liked him a lot. "Good day ladies and gentlemen, students of this great school. I ......" He began.
I wasn't listening to what he was saying, I was just starring at him.

The applause people gave distracted me and I noticed he was through with his speech " Thank you" he said then head back to his seat.

The dinner was cool. We ate, drank and gist. The last thing was the announcement of the three days break; mid- term break.

Hey! The man was standing right in front of me.  I mean one foot away. He looked just like Ismail Mufti Menk. Light skinned, tall, full beard and long haired.
      "Hi!" We both uniformly said. We giggled.
     "Do I know you?"we chorused  and giggled again.
      "I'm  Yasir Samir but people call me Mr. Malik(king) due to reasons base known to them. I'm a friend of Mr. Abdulkareem Anas ( the proprietor of Mamis) " he introduced.
"I'm Zarah Idris, a new student here. I'm 15 years old. Nice to meet you sir" we shook hands.

"To be sincere you resemble Amina, someone very dear to me. I hope you didn't feel uncomfortable while I was starring."
"No sir. You seem familiar too sir."
"Let's seat and talk for a while Angel and please don't call me sir again, don't be formal."
We sat and talked about everything and anything for a long time. He advised me so much;  kind of fatherly advice.
"I live in a village in Kano.
My parent stood by me. I always say this 'I love my mom'.  My father is always away for hunting so sometimes he doesn't know what happens at home. He's a handsome man that doesn't talk a lot."

"Your mom is trying a lot. I love women that fight. I like you Zarah Angel. I hate to lie. I can't conceal my feelings. I don't mean to say I love you but I admire you, you are a good girl and continue being a good girl, you will definitely achieve good things in life." He cupped my cheek. I felt secured staying with him.
    "Let's go in" he stood up, held my hand and we went in.

End of flashback

All students and staffs rushed out of the hall when the party was over. I surveyed the entire environment looking for Malik sir but I couldn't find him maybe due to the large number of people standing outside the hall doing what I don't know. I can't say why I insisted on seeing him but all I knew was that I just wanted to see him, for sure.

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