21 - Counting Stars

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Dedicated to SalveUnicorn and yrrehsching


Chapter 21 - Counting Stars
Salve's POV

The sky is now painted with dark bluish kinda of thing and little shiny dots are forming on the pretty night sky. Aaron and I are lying on the dock still here in Twin Lake. The night's breeze is obviously freaking cold but iz okay, Aaron's hand is wrapped around my vagina, like omfg, lol jk, it's around my shoulders and I feel safe.

We were chilling and looking at the stars and made up constellations like it was true or "correct" we made a lot of duck themed constellations, I don't know, the duck thing just popped in my head. He suddenly sat down, I followed him and then talked more, laughing... having the time of our lives.

I looked up to the stars with such a bliss then Aaron just looked at me with sparkles in his eyes, then he slowly caressed my cheek, making my heart beat as fast as a lightning. He slowly leaned close to me, my eyes shutting at a leisurely pace, as he steadily close the distance between us.

I can feel it. This is really, really iz it, iz it!

I can feel his breath touch my lips...

"Ugh! I hate that Monkey looking donkey!" BUT SUDDENLY A WILD SHERRY APPEARED -.- nice to ruin our moment Ching.

"What's wrong now?" I complained. Seriously it was so close and I could taste heaven!

"Are you... Are you not happy that I'm here before you two could make out?" Sherry asked in disbelief. She placed her hand on her chest dramatically.

I feel like there's a bird nest on my head, "It's-it's not like that! Ughh! But for serious. What happened?"

"I just hate how Roi comes out looking as if nothing happened." she said in a depressing tone. I rose an eyebrow, is she really upset about ROI? OF ALL PEOPLE ROI?

"You despise him don't you?" Aaron suddenly joined.

"Yes, but..."

"But what?" I urged.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I have never been confused in my life."

"Actually you have been confused which pen to use for homework and for your exam because they're both black, but I get your point."

She ignored me and starts to rant, "He's annoying and ugly and a retard and an ass and loud and sweet and caring... but he's still ugly asf. Not to mention when... " Sherry started stating everything five times the speed than the normal.

Aaron tried to cut her off, "Sherry?"

"...everytime he smiles he's like teasing me with his stupid adorable but annoying smile! I mean who smiles like a Cheshire Cat all the time? Then when he finger combs his stupid hair... "


Aaron and I looked at each other for a millisecond then to Sherry with a teasing look, "Is this what we think it is?"

"What?" she knitted her eyebrows.

"You like him! You like Roi don't you?" Aaron cooed.

"I? Me? What?! No! Why the hell would I?"

"It's written on your face!" It really is obvious. Aaron and I are laughing in front of her. I clutched my stomach because it's so damn funny to see her reaction when we teased her.

She glowers at us, "Stop. I hate him."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." I said after I wiped the fake tear from the corner of my eye.

"You two are not helping." She finally stood and we watch her leave silently.

Ah, alone at last.

Aaron touched my chin and we started how it was before...

I can feel it, his hot minty breath against my lips... So close now...

"Ugh! Sherry's really done it this time!" Roi's stomps and loudness startled us.

"What now!" I exclaimed obviously annoyed. Who wouldn't when you're make out session is ruined twice in a row?

"Woah, chill Salve. Can sit here with you guys and contemplate?"

I rubbed my forehead, "Go on."

"I really hated the fact we kissed."

"Buddy..." Aaron tapped his shoulder.

"It made me feel bad. She has a boyfriend and for ducks sakes I don't even like her!!"

"But Roi-"

"Those sweet chinky green eyes of hers, her cute nose, her adorable smile! Damn, what the hell? She's mesmerizing me without even knowing it. I hate her, you know?"


"-She's always freaking loud! And she keeps on pushing me, like literally! How is a sexy girl have this incredible hulk strength? But above all she's something."

"Roi!" I shouted. Is he deaf? I have been shouting at him he still continues his blabbering.

"What?!" he answered back loudly.

"You like her don't you?" I teased.

"Why would I like her? I mean look at her she's-"

I cut him off, "Dammit just answer the question!"

"For the youngest you really are urgent." he stood and started to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?!" We are not done here Roi Fabito.

"Back to the cottage and have a good night sleep."

We watched Roi's retreating shadow. Aaron and I glanced at each other.

"I hope we're alone for a long while so we can proceed what we're doing." Aaron's voice was husky, making me want him more. I smiled at the feeling.

I didn't wait for him to touch my face, I grabbed his head and -

"Hey guys! Mind if we star gaze with you two?"

We didn't answer. Alex and Rovie squeezed themselves in between us and smiles.

-_- Nice. Well, I think Aaron and I will wait for another moment.

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