08 - Stuck in the Moment (Salve's POV)

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08 – Stuck in the Moment (Salve’s POV)



Sun’s rays shone to my eyes which made them flicker and made me wake up. Only then I realized that we were still at Bahura. I saw Rovie at the other side of the bed, with an arm at the bottom of the pillow, the top arm supporting the face, top leg bent over in, what seems like a humping position, lol. And then the bottom leg stretched out, chillin.

And then, there’s Sherry.

Lying down. On the floor. Snoring. Sherry. Sweet sweet Sherry. Remind me again why we’re related?

Suddenly, I heard Alex randomly utters words, out of tune. Wait? Is he singing? He really needs to stick to rapping.

I stripped in to my slippers and headed downstairs and to my surprise, the boys were making breakfast.

“Hey. Good Morning.” Aaron noticed me at the wooden stairway. I stood there smiling at him.

I never knew he could cook. Alex was preparing the utensils. Roi was not here. *gasp* I wonder where he’s off?

“Where’s Roi?” I asked Alex as I leaned and carefully sat.

“I don’t know? He said he’ll have a little stroll at the beach. But it’s been an hour. I don’t know.” He paused a bit, “He’ll be back soon.” He smiled, I nodded.

“Breakfast is served my lady.” Aaron carried bowls of eggs, bacon and hotdogs. I helped him arrange the food, because I saw him struggle a bit.

“I can’t believe you cook a lot.” I commented and wow, it smells so amazeballs.

“I’m gonna get Rovie and Sherry.” Alex said and hurriedly went upstairs.

“Oh, wait Alex!”


“When you wake Rovie, put your nose near her ear and say ‘ticker, ticker’.”


“Because?... it’s effective and trust me, she’s hard to wake up.”

“Alright then. I’ll keep that in mind.” He was about to leave but came back. “What about Sherry?”

“Just stare at her sleep, she’ll wake up.” He gave me a two thumbs up and sprinted upstairs.

“Well, I know that Rovie is a type of girl who eats a lot. And was confirmed last night how she finished her food for less than ten minutes. And then Sherry, I know she loves to eat. She just keeps on saying this ‘diet’ thing.” We both laughed, and then he continued. “Do you do diet?”

“What’s this diet you speak of?” He laughed at my comment, and I hit him playfully.

“Alright non diet person, dig in!”

“Hmmm! That smells delish!” Rovie complimented. “I finally got her out of bed.” Alex praised.

“Really? How?” I asked amused.

“Well, I had to put my nose close to her ear so she’ll wake up, like you said. I find her cute when she got tingles when I do that.”

“Shut up. Did one of my cousins tell you to do that?” Aaron was smiling. Alex and I were trying to hold back the laugh. “Well?” she asked impatiently. I was about to speak when Sherry suddenly came in, rubbing her head. “Oww, my head hurts. The hell happened last night?”

“You were drunk. You keep on talking about balls.” Rovie said a mouthful of bacon. “Hey talk when your mouth is full.” Alex said. “I am.”

“Oh.” Alex was processing a bit, “Oh yeah, I meant Not a mouthful. Ugh! What the hell.” We all laughed. And then Sherry changed her emotion, confused.

“Wha—balls?” she squinted her eyes.

“Yes. Balls. Round stuff that has no corners.” I teased, making hand gestures.

 “Hey, where’s Roi?” She suddenly asked. Wow, that’s a first.

“Why’d you suddenly asked?” Aaron asked.

“Nothing. Just wondering.”

15 minutes Later


We were still at dining table laughing suddenly, wild Roi came in to the room. “Hey guys! Sorry. I had to take a lot of pictures the view’s great!”

“It’s okay. Hey, Sherry saved you some food.” Aaron informed.

“Really?” He turned to Sherry, “You did?”

“Yeah, I did. Just a thank you for, you know, carrying me to bed last night. And an apology for puking at you. So yeah.” She said as she ran her hand to her hair.

“I guess we’re cool now huh?” Roi smiled.

“Guess so. Just please don’t piss me off Roi.” She warned in a joking manner.

“I’ll try not to.” He fired back.

“Alright Dig in!”


I was now preparing stuff for our trip back to the city, I just had to do it. I don’t know where my immature cousins are. Suddenly a heard a knock on the door. Knock! Knock!

“Hey, can I come in?” Aaron asked. And as he walked in, his head got bumped. “Aw!” he muttered under his breath. I giggled but he just smiled and went near me.

“So, where are they?”

“Sherry and Roi are throwing sand at each other outside.” Aaron told me. “And then Rovie and Alex were poking random people. I just don’t know why.”

“Wow. That’s disturbing.”

“Yeah, totally.”

We were a bit silent for a moment. So I continued stuffing our clothes in the bag.

“Here. Let me help you.”

“No, it’s okay.”

“No, no. I insist.”


He then sat next to me. When our eyes met. His hazel brown eyes of his is so tantalizing. I replayed that video Beauty and the Rolanda in my head. It’s like the way he stares at me.

“You’re so beautiful.” Crap. It made my heart skip a beat.

“I—I am?” I stuttered. I felt uneasy again.

“Yes.” He scooted then he carefully lifted my chin. “Is it okay?”

“What?” I asked, when I know what he meant.

“Is it okay to like, you know…” He said nervously. “Kiss you?” My heart raced again. Poo poo poo!! Our faces were an inch near. I wanted to do it. He’s so irresistible. I closed my eyes. Waited for the moment. Waiting for the magic to happen.

YES! Finally!!! ~

A/n: Comment and Vote :)

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