06 - Slap me Am I Dreaming?

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06 – Slap me Am I Dreaming? (Rovie's POV)


"Hey I know you!!" Roi and Sherry coevally said.

"What’s going on?” Alex demanded.

“You guys know each other?!" I asked surprised.

"You didn't tell us that you two know each other?" Salve added.

"I forgot to tell you about him. We bumped each other at the mall the past three days, when Rain and I were on a date. He wasn't looking where he was going!" Sherry said.

"Okay, are we gonna argue this again woman? Honestly, you're pretty but your attitude is not!!" Roi snapped.

"Want a piece of me?" Sherry snapped as well and hurriedly got off the car.

"Actually, if you're a cake then I would have a piece of you. But you're not!" Roi said while staring at her. Sherry was stomping towards him.

Then Aaron walked in between them. "Seriously? You two just have to fight? Today?!"

Sherry crossed her arms, pouting. This made me laugh. She caught me and glared at me. I threw my hands in defense.

"You two should make up!" Salve professed.

"EW no!" Sherry protested.

"Then you two should sit together until you make up!" Salve grabbed her arm but Sherry instantly pulled her arm away.

"Who are you the adult?!" Sherry questioned.

"Ching, at least be nice for once?" I inserted. She sighed heavily and stomped back to the car.

"I seriously don't know what just happened." Alex said innocently. And we all exchanged looks. The window rolled again, "You guys coming or not?" Sherry said.

"Is she on period?" Alex asked me again. I slowly shake my head and laughed and we went to the backseat, Aaron and Salve were at the back of the truck with the food. Roi had no choice but stay at the front with Sherry.

We got our seat belts on and we're ready to go.

"Promise me you will keep quiet until we reach our destination, okay?" Sherry told Roi.

“Why can’t I sit with you guys?” Roi asked with wide eyes and a pout. Alex and I tried hard not to laugh. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” Sherry exclaimed.

"Whatever floats your mango float." Roi said crossing his arms. She was glaring him again, I had to step in.

"Okay! Let's go?! Please?" Sherry nodded and hit the gear and turned on the music.


It was a long drive, from Boulevard to Dauin. Alex and I enjoyed talking about random stuff. When I checked Salve and Aaron at the back, they were also talking and making weird faces at people. Yep, they definitely are perfect for each other. Meanwhile, Sherry and Roi sat quietly at the front.

"Hey bud! How're ya doing over there?" Alex teased which made me silently laugh. Roi glared at us.


Half an hour of driving, it was kind of boring. It was now silent since Alex and I already ran out of topics. When I took a peek at Salve and Aaron, they tend to enjoy the heat outside and still made weird faces at people. I heard Aaron’s super loud laughter, almost like Alex’s laugh. And Salve throwing peanut shells at people. I smiled to myself thinking how lucky we could be, being with the Youtubers. Meanwhile, Roi and Sherry haven’t spoken any word. I caught Alex staring at me, which made my face heat up.

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