04 - Annoying cousins (Sherry's POV)

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04 – Annoying Cousins (Sherry's POV)

As soon as we got back to our house, Salve was daydreaming like crazy earlier up to now and keeps on repeating the same scenario with her and Aaron. Damn that lucky girl. She's only 17, yet she got to have that sexy guy. To think, it was kinda annoying.

Living with them drives me crazy!

Rovie keeps on sneaking up food to her room and when I went there to borrow something, she's there asleep with a bag of cheetos on her stomach, which makes her room messy and full of trash due to those wrappers anywhere. That little pig.

Then there's Salve, the weird one. She does stuff which I don't understand. But when it comes to messing with Rovie on her days, she's fun. When I have my days, well... They'll also team up. Traitor.

The thing about us is that, we don't really fight; a fight that would last long, but just for a couple of minutes due to misunderstanding and stuff. They also help me when it comes to Rain, my boyfriend. They always come up with the best advices and the best backbites towards him. Sometimes, both of them just laugh at me when I cry.

One time, Rain and I were chatting on facebook, both of them were laughing like lunatics with no valid reasons. Like seriously? Am I the only mature one here? Oh right, coz I'm the eldest, duh.

Did I ever told you how annoying they are? One time, they suddenly barge in to my room without knocking. Sometimes Salve goes inside to my closet and scare the hell out of me. Rovie, keeps on flooding selfies on my iPad. And when we're sleeping over to my room, they both cling to me and put their hands on my boobs. Level of insanity? It would be way past heaven.

Here I am lying down on the sofa with the remote on my hand and a phone to the other. Just finished eating our dinner. I'm watching Junior Master Chef. Those little kids can really cook!

"Shoooooonnnggg!!" Rovie called from the kitchen.


"I got cerelac!!!!" Salve butted in, carrying a huge bowl of it.

"How many boxes did you even bought?" I shouted.

"Umm, we can't answer that." Rovie said.

"C'mon, cinnamon!!" Salve pulled me up from the sofa and dragged me to the dinning room.

My jaws dropped and saw three huge bowls full of cerelac (if you don't know what cerelac is, its a kind of baby food). "Oh my fucking gosh!" Why am I even related to them? "We are going to eat it." Salve said as she gave me a spoon.

"And if one pukes first, has to clean and buy us food for one whole month." Rovie challenged.


"Okay! Let's take a video so that we'll have memories. So choose your weapon." Salve said.

"I pick the one at the middle."


"Three, two, one. go!"

As I took a spoon full to my mouth, I immediately made a face and had a feeling that my dinner was gonna be a waste. What kind of flavor is this shit??

Minutes later...

The pigs were winning, damn.

"Oh yeah, did I mention that there's one ugly flavor and two good ones?" Rovie said mouthful of baby food.

"What!!!!???" Unfair asswipes.

I couldn't help but held it in. I had a feeling that I was going to hurl but I had to swallow it, gross as it sounds but I did. But damn, Rovie was winning. Salve was second. Here I am with a bowl full of ecky baby food. Why do I make the wrong choices?

This Weird Little Thing Called Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें