14 - Couple of the Year

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14 – Couple of the Year


A/N: hey hey butterfleeey! I’m back! I honestly enjoyed writing this chapter. I hope you guys will love it! Thank you so much to @JennWrites @olaywahle and @Wolfbell for making my covers, I love them all. And I will constantly change my covers so they could see how amazing they are. Thank you so much guys!

Anyways, here’s Chapter 14! Don’t forget to Comment on what you think of this chapter and Vote :) Please make me a happy potato.


I still can’t believe Alex and I are going out, or maybe I was being delusional. But he did say the word “DATE” and it still gives me this tingly feeling in the pits of my stomach. This wasn’t how I pictured our first date (because I always imagined everything perfect; not looking like a total freak) but then again, it’s not like the usual first dates. Ours was just… unique.

Alex was driving our pick-up, because my cousins used their motorcycles, and I still have no freaking idea where were going. We’ve been passing the same route for minutes.

“Where exactly are we going?” I asked him.

“It’s a secret. I just forget which way, I had it all planned last night. And I had to insult your cousins so that they’ll do anything to leave you alone with me or something.” He chuckled.

Oh my gosh. There’s that feeling again. And wait, did he just say he insulted my cousins just so he could be alone with me? That’s so sweet of him.

“And if I ask you where, then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore.” He finished.

“Alex, driving around town is a total waste of time; just tell me, I promise I’ll pretend to be surprised.”

“No… I still won’t tell you where.” I sighed in defeat.


2 hours later…

We’re still driving around the same way over and over. I mean, Dumaguete City is not that big.


“It’s Richard.” He said in his Richard voice. I rolled my eyes and corrected myself, “Richard, where are we going? Really? We’ve been driving the same way for two hours!”

“Okay, Richarda, no need to be so snappy. Just tell me where… oh here we are! Never mind!”

My jaw dropped because the place we were looking for was just Aquino’s Freedom Park. “Richard! We already passed here like five times!!”

“Ssshh… Calm down Richarda, the important thing is we’re here now. Oh and wear this.”

“Really? Do I have to?” I whined.

“Yes.” I didn’t protest, I put on the blind fold and wait for him.

“Oh, and pretend that no one was there filming us.” My eyes widened, though he couldn’t see it because of the freaking blind fold I have. I was kind of disappointed because I thought we’ll have a real date not one for those stupid videos of his.

Of course, he wouldn’t go out with you on a real date! Hello, dumbo? In case you forgot he has a girlfriend!

I slapped myself in my mind. Of course! How could I forget about Daniela Jane? The least I could do is just pretend… yeah. I can do that.

He led me out of the car to somewhere I don’t know. I just followed him. And I constantly reminded myself he has a girlfriend and that I shouldn’t get my hopes up.

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