11 - Unexpected Surprise Visit (Rovie's POV)

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11 – Unexpected Surprise Visit (Rovie’s POV)


A/N: Hey guys! School is about to start so maybe I’ll have some really slow updates. *Boooooo!!!* Sorry! Please don’t throw a tomato at me! :(

But I promise to update once or twice a week, if I’m lucky, in my vacant time. Anyway here’s Chapter 11, it’s short but I hope you Enjoy! Comment & Vote. Make me a happy potato Love you. Xx


We’re now unpacking our stuff from the truck. Yeah we just arrived. The guys decided to help us with things because we brought a lot of things to Bahura. It’s kinda tiring, I’m the only one who’s super skinny not to mention, and I can barely the heavy things. So to make everything short, I was watching them doing all the work. Mehehe.

“Can you at least carry the baskets?” Sherry blurted.

I laughed evilly and responded, “I’ve got tine hands and skinny arms. Do you want them to break?”

“I can break them for you, if you won’t get your ass up here and help.”

I put on my thinking face and said, “Nahh, you do it. I’m good.” I heard her growl which made me laugh.

Afterwards, the guys stayed with us a couple of hours just chatting and eating and playing video games (that would be me and Alex). It’s a miracle that Sherry and Roi are having fun talking about their weird experiences and then fight for a moment and then get back to the usual friendly stuff. I don’t know, I think it’s just their friendly thingy I don’t know. Meanwhile, Aaron and Salve are at the kitchen cooking food.

Alex and I are playing Mortal Kombat: Armageddon in our Play Station 2. (Yeah, we’re old school, we really don’t have time for fun and games because we’re too busy with school and other family stuff). My character was Sheeva who possesses a tall, muscular build, red eyes, four arms with three fingers on each totaling 12 fingers, and two toes on each foot, however special to her only is the horns on her head. Meanwhile Alex’s character was Scorpion, a recurring player and occasional boss character from the Mortal Kombat series. He is an undead ninja specter looking for revenge for his own death, and for the deaths of his family and clan, Shirai Ryu, killed at the hands of their rival clan Lin Kuei and Sub-Zero. (You would know if you play this game, lol.)

Anyway! I was about to beat him!

‘Finish Him!’ The narrator said from the screen. I smiled sinisterly and then punched in the buttons: Down + Up + X this special move is called Death From Above.

‘Fatality!’  The narrator finally said and then Scorpion is good as dead meat.

Smiling proudly, I turned to Alex. “Okay! You win!” he said pouting and crossing his arms. He’s so adorable.

“You owe me candy.” I said.

He was about to speak when a familiar honk was heard.

Honk! Honk!

“Who was that? Let me check if –“ I hurriedly pulled Alex down which made him confused. “What’s wrong?”

“Ssssshhh!” I shushed putting my index finger to his mouth.

“Yeah but who are –“

“Ssshhh! I’ll explain later!” I covered his mouth. Sherry and Salve panickly went to the living room dragging Roi and Aaron with them.

“Stay!” Sherry pointed to the floor. The guys nodded confusingly and followed.

The three of us talked for a plan to where we sneak them out or hide them.

“Ching! Jing! Beng!” A familiar voice called out our nicknames. I can hear their footsteps getting closer.

“We should think fast, they’re coming!!” I whispered loudly. We exchanged looks in panic. Sherry raised her finger. Looks like she has a bright idea.

“Let’s go hide them in the basement!! Hurry!”

So we hurriedly dragged them into the basement. “Tell us why we’re here?” Roi asked in a low voice. “We’ll explain later. Okay?” Sherry said and then closed the door, we hurriedly went back to the living room.

“Are you hiding something from us?”

We stood there with our eyes widened and hands behind our backs, standing erect. Our parents looked at us suspiciously (our moms and grandma to be specific).

“What’s in the basement?” Aunt Ann, Sherry’s mom asked.

We looked at each other looking for an excuse.

“Uhh, it’s uhh –“ I stuttered. Damn it brain! Work! I feel so sweaty and shaky. I looked at Sherry and Salve who’re also sweaty and shaky.

“What’s going on?” Salve’s mom demanded and then walked towards the basement door.



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