Burning (DREAM)

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I texted (Y/N), knowing that she was at school. I just couldn't help myself. There was this constant urge to just always be by her side, to hear her voice and touch her skin. 

**YG: hey hey heyyyyyy 👋**

I awaited her response impatiently. I should be working, dancing actually. We were getting ready to begin our practice but my want for (Y/N) overshadowed my need to warm-up. It wasn't long before my phone buzzed with a response, but RM snatched my phone out of my hand and gave me a look that said it was time to practice. He was right, but that didn't stop me from grumbling as I stood and walked over to where the other's were standing. 

We danced for two hours straight, and I was quickly becoming tired of hearing the songs that I had created. The dances were great, just we danced them....over..and over and over again. It would be worth it when we performed it for army, I reminded myself. They would enjoy it, and that's all that matters.

When break finally came, I was burning to see whatever (Y/N)'s response had been. I clicked on my phone to see that...it was a reminder from Bang PD to get good sleep. Rolling my eyes, I swiped it away and chastised myself for getting my hopes up. Just as I was about to set my phone down and go get some water, the text came.

**(Y/N): Hey sorry, just woke up 😅 this class is tiring**

I laughed and showed the text to Jungkook as another text came.

**(Y/N): Had the weirdest dream, guess it's karma for sleeping in class 💤**

And then it was time to dance again. I shot her one last text as I stood up.

**YG: You'll have to tell me about it.**

My music came over the speakers again, marking it as time to begin. And so we go.

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