Your Heart Strings (DREAM)

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"Jungkook-ah!" I rolled my eyes and went after him, robbing him of his dramatic exit. We were going to get lamb-skewers after all. I would not be deprived of lamb-skewers.

"Hyung!" He imitated my tone, obviously trying to annoy me. It wouldn't work, I wouldn't bend to the will of the maknae. Rather than answer, I just ignored him and continued walking. It wasn't long before he was talking my ear off and I was giving the occasional agreeing "mhm" to make it appear like I was listening. 

I got away with it for a while until there was a sudden silence and I turned to see Kookie's bunny smile wide and bright before me.

"What are you smiling about?"

"You just agreed to give Taehyung a part in Cypher!" 

He pulled out his phone, presumably to call Tae and tell him, and I tried desperately to grab it out of his hand. Tae took jokes easily but this is something he might hold me too. Suddenly I had a though and I released Kookie.

"You don't have any proof to show him." Ha. The genius strikes again.

I walked away and this time Jungkook was the one to catch up with me. I put more effort into listening this time, so as not to agree to any more of his plots. That didn't stop him from trying to slip them into conversations.

"I like you and (Y/N) together. You've changed a bit since you met her, you know. Not in a bad way, though. I've never seen you so affectionate. Well, maybe I have but only when you're with Min Holly. Do you love her more than Min Holly?"

I considered it but didn't answer. I prefer to not choose between things I love deeply.

"I like Min Holly a lot. You know what else I like? Lamb skewers. Will you pay hyung?"

There he goes again. This time I caught it and shook my head rather then distractedly giving a confirmatory answer like last time. He laughed at my sudden ability to pay attention and continued talking.

"She really did do something to your heart though. Woke it up maybe."

"She retuned my heart strings."

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