Prime Time Homies (REAL)

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I looked up at Namjoon, my eyes wide and brimming with tears. I saw my pain mirrored on him that he had tried to hard to hide. I wasn't the only one who loved her.

"I produced a song." My rough voice echoed through the mourning house. I retreated into my dark studio and was soon followed by the two men who had carried me though every hardship thus far.

Hoseok and Namjoon sat on either side of me, all of us one blow from breaking into a million pieces. I prayed that I wouldn't be the one to distribute it.

We all put our headphones on, and I handed the photos to Hoseok for a moment as I prepared the song. We were silent as he looked through them all, reliving every moment you had spent with us. 

We really hadn't known you long. But you gave me opportunities I hadn't had since I became an idol. We were all a bit isolated so when we saw someone new, especially someone as kind and sweet as you, we latched on and didn't let go. Sometimes I think that I would have married you if...


The song was ready so I pushed play and watched them both listen. Their already sad eyes were now glossed over with the memory of you. I wondered if I was hurting them by writing this song but when it was over, they both laid their heads on my shoulders and we sat there together. The words I had written hung in the air like a message that was angrily spoken.

I doubted we would use this song for anything, it felt wrong to make profit off tragedy. Off your death. I was glad I had created it though, even if it caused the pain to all come rushing back. You deserved to be remembered and this was the only way I knew how.

It was titled Waiting.

Stay Forever - MYG SEQUELUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum