Math Class (DREAM)

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When practice was over, I decided to surprise (Y/N) by bringing her food. I went to a restaurant and got some fries for the two of us. We had ended early today because PD-nim was going on a short trip and so he just gave us the rest of the day off.

I walked to her school and tried to just look cool while I ignored the glances and stares I got from the people on the street. Whether they recognized me or not, blue hair is quite the sight. 

The school was covered in snow from the storm just a day before, making it much easier to point out (Y/N)'s dark red hair against the white scenery. I looked the other way, pretending not to see her as I walked by. 

"Yoongi-ah!" She shouted and ran towards me. I looked over with fake-surprise in my eyes, laughing as she threw her arms around me. I smiled to myself as it became apparent that she was just slightly shorter than me (I'm 176 cm). It wasn't often that I passed up the chance to gloat about my height to someone, since the opportunity didn't present itself often.

"You're short today." I teased. She widened her eyes at me, but I didn't retract my statement. For a moment I was lost them....and then she stole the food. 

"Hey! You can't use your face holes against me like that!"

She laughed as she stuffed fries in her mouth. "Your eyes aren't holes, you idiot." I grumbled but let her eat the fries, they were for her anyway.

The two of us together brought even more glances and looks, whether because of my well-known face or because of our odd hair ensemble. I ignored it, knowing that (Y/N) would follow my lead.

"So you were sleeping in math class. These things have consequences, you know."

"Like what?" It was obvious that she didn't care one bit about dozing off, so I jokingly pressed my point.

"What's the square root of 529? What's the quadratic formula?"

"Twenty three, and the quadratic formula is x=(-b±(√b²-4ac))/2a. Happy?" I laughed at her smartass answer. My girlfriend was a nerd!

There were so many things I still had to learn about her.

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