Chapter Nineteen

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He was running his finger threw his hair, wondering where on earth she had went. She hadn't returned since they had went to Lucus' house. He shook his head. It didn't matter, she'd come back to help when the time was right. He just had to focus on the two things that were going to get in his way. One being the Aurelia Fae and the necklace that was around Clara's neck. He growled just thinking of them.

"Kaden!" he snarled.

The brunette boy appeared before him kneeling. "Yes?"

"Go find Ella and bring her to me. I have a feeling that they'll be showing up sometime soon," he commanded.

Nodded, Kaden transformed into his demon self, his eyes becoming an iridescent lavender instead of their regular, stunning green. A glowing purple tattoo shone brightly as he sank into the ground.

"Silas!" he snarled again. The scruffy faced male strolled in front of him, a smile playing on his lips as always. "Hand me the elixir now."

Nodding, Silas let his scepter appeared in his hand. He closed his eyes, holding his hand out. A silver liquid rose from the ground and formed into a glass bottle in his hand. A lavender glow flashed in his eyes as he opened them. He walked up to Rider, handing him the bottle.

Just as he reached for it, a white and silver figure crashed threw the doors, making them slam against the wall loudly. Rider looked up to see Cadeo readying his swords to strike him. Silas blocked the attack with his scepter, making Cadeo back away from them a little.

Carlin came in behind his brother, readying his bow as he flashed a smiled at Rider. "Well, it seems it has finally come down to this, hasn't it?"

Rider glared at the twins, his eyes obviously showing anger. "Annie! Lucus!"

Hearing their names, the two appeared. "Attack!"

They nodded simultaneously, their eyes also glowing the same iridescent lavender as they shifted into their demon self. They turned to the twins, leaped at them.

"Annie!" her twin screamed as she flew into the place, tackling her sister to the floor. Clara gracefully flew in, landing on the ground. She started to fold her hands in praying position. Chains climbed up from the ground, clamping themselves around Lucus' feet, pulling him back to the ground. Lucus looked at her, hate burning in his eyes. She winced a little, but shut her eyes, fighting back tears. She felt the tiny crystal bottle in her hand, she knew that she had to use it, but she also was reluctant to use it.

Rider grew furious as he threw him self out of his seat, snatching the elixir away from Silas. He screamed at the brunette to attack them as he popped the cork off the vial and drank the liquid down hastily. He let the yellow liquid slither down his throat. It burned to drink it, but it was all worth it.

Silas let his clothes merge with his skin as it became the leathery black it usually was. His eyes glowed an iridescent lavender as well. As soon as his wings ripped out of his back, he flew towards Clara, read to strike her down.

"Silas!" Camella's voice yelled out as she hung onto Adam's hands. He let go of her, the Aurelia Fae glowing a golden yellow before chaining into the rapier. Clara's necklace gleamed as she landed on top of him, pinning him down. He growled, throwing her off, making her slam against the pillar.

She groans as she got up. "Dammit, Lannie! Come control your best friend! I don' want to stab any of these guys!"

Lannie wrestled with her sister, pinning her to the wall. She looked up at Adam and nodded. She quickly let go of Annie, Adam pouncing on her quickly before she could even move. She screamed at him, swearing up and down on how she wanted to kill him. He pulled a small crystal vial from his wings. He popped the cap off, the pink liquid sloshing around a little.

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