Chapter Two

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There wasn't a single sound that was made in the dimly lit room. Everything around her just felt dark and eerie. Then she realized something she should of before. She forgot to turn on the lights. 

She felt around in the dark for some sort of light switch, but when she flicked the lights on, she wished she hadn't. She had no idea what was standing in front of her, but whatever it was, it was scaring the wits out of her. It was all too grotesque and ugly. 

She hand her hands up protectively in front of her face. She figured that if she could save anything, she'd save her face and her beautiful brunette hair. The thing in front of her suddenly let out a sound that sounded like a laugh. She took the opportunity to run for it, but it was already too late. The creature moved at lightening speed towards the door, blocking her only way out of the windowless room. She swore under her breath when she saw no other way out. The creature made a leap for her and that's when the sounds of screams and the smell of blood filled the air.


Something must have drawn her to these crime scenes because Camella stood in front of the Beckoms' house hold. It was kind of ironic that two of the meanest girls in school became victims to a sick, cruel murder. Her head started to pound when the thoughts of several people began to rapidly enter her mind. She walked away from the scene of the crime so that she could get away from the multiple of thoughts that rushed into her head.

Walking up the steps of the school, she spotted Kaden under the tree that she usually occupied when she had time. She saw girls continually pass by the tree just to catch glimpse of him. She could hear some of the lustful thoughts that came from some of the girls and she simply shook her head. She really didn't need to hear those kinds of things first thing in the morning. 

Then she remembered that it was odd that she couldn't Kaden's thoughts. She began to shut all the thoughts out so that she could focus on his thoughts. She wasn't even sure if this was going to work. Last time she did something like this, she ended up paying the price by learning some dark secrets that she probably shouldn't know. 

She concentrated a long while, but was surprised that she heard nothing. She closed her eyes and tried again. She tried to gently nudge her way into his mind, but the same results happened. When she opened her eyes again, she found Kaden stare at her intensely. It made her suddenly feel awkward and shy. She must have look extremely stupid just standing on the steps of the school staring at the supposedly hottest new guy in school. Camella turned her back and walked into the building.

There was a bland drone of words that sounded in Camella's last period. The words began to mix in with the thoughts that kept entering her mind. She could hear some thoughts about the murder of Cindy and others were lustful thoughts directed towards Kaden who just so happened to take a seat next her. 

So far in every class they had together, he somehow managed to grab a seat next to her. Every time he sat down next to her, she wished that someone actually sat to her earlier in the year, but sadly, she knew that no one in their right mind would want to sit next to a freak like her. 

She quietly drummed her fingers on her desk, waiting for the bell to go off as her signal to go home. Suddenly, the loudest growl she had ever heard sounded within the classroom. She assumed that it had been someone's hungry stomach, so she glanced all around her to see if any one had noticed, but it was evident that no one had. She simply shrugged it off as her imagination until the growl sounded again. This time it didn't sound like someone's stomach. It sounded like a ferocious animal had been let loose in the class. Camella took another look around her again, but everyone seemed to be completely normal. She tried to listen to the thoughts that entered her head to see if anyone had heard the loud growl, but no one had. The loud growl sounded once again, making her hold her head in pain. It was probably the worse pain she had ever gotten from listening to anything. Before the pain could die down even a little, the growl sounded again. The pain in her head increased and she knew that she couldn't take anymore. She dropped her pen on her desk as she grabbed her head in agonizing pain. The teacher stopped his lecture and stared at her with concerned, shocked eyes. He repeatedly asked her if she was alright, but the pain made her unable to answer. Frantic, he pointed at Kaden telling him to take her to the nurse's office. Without hesitation, he got up and helped her out of her seat, but the growling sounded once again, this time louder than all the times before. That made Camella's whole head hurt like crazy. She fell to the floor in extreme pain. She couldn't even register what was going on around her. Her vision blurred completely before everything around her went black.

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