Chapter Eighteen

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Camella looked over the cliff that seemed to stretch on forever. She couldn't even see the bottom. Clouds were lazily drifting over it, making it near impossible to see what it was on the ground. She looked back at Cadeo, unsure if she wanted to go through with this.

He shot her a sloppy smile. "Don't freak out, it'll be fun."

"That's easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to hang on and have the fear of dropping seventy million feet to your death," she pointed out a bit frantically.

"Well, hold on tight, don't piss me off, and you should be fine," he nodded. She sighed out in defeat. It was now or never. She looked over at Adam who smiled at her in encouragement. His skin started to become a charcoal color as wings ripped out from his back. His fingers turned into long, claws. He saluted them as he ran off the cliff, tucking his wings in as he dived towards the bottom.

Carlin looked at them and nodded before his clothes turned into a suit of armor that you'd see most knights wear. The shinning silver suit was touched with golden outlines. His wings gracefully sprouted from his back, his feathers tipped with gold themselves. His eyes turned from the warm, sugar brown to a shining golden. He dived into the clouds as if he was diving into a pool. His wings tucked in and just like Adam, he was out of sight.

Camella started to have second thoughts about this, but she felt Cadeo grab her hands. She turned around to see that he was exactly like his brother, but instead, his silver armor was outlined with a white silver instead. His wings were tipped with a silver and his eyes had turned from a sea blue to a stunning grey silver. The glasses that framed his face disappeared into a a silver sparkle that blew away from his face.

"Ready?" he chuckled.

"When is someone ever ready to jump off a cliff?!" she exclaimed.

"Don't sweat it. Just hold on," he lifted her up into his arms bridal style and made a run for the cliff. Camella wrapped her arms around his neck, afraid if she let go, she was going to have an unpleasant fall to her death. He dove off the cliff, tucking his wings in like everyone else. He dove down fast, gravity taking them in. Camella felt her stomach flip over and over again. She wanted to scream as loud as she could, but she knew that she couldn't even do that because she couldn't even scream. She prayed that she would just live long enough to save Kaden...and kill Cadeo for tricking her into such an absurd idea.


 She started to cough as the reach higher land, glad to be out of the dusty, old dugeon. She looked around her, seeing that there was nothing to really look at. 

"On the upside, no one is out here," she called to Clara. When Clara emmerged in her demonic form, Lannie huffed in annoyance. "You've got to be kidding me."

"They're almost here. i can feel it," Clara said as she closed her eyes.

Lannie sighed again as she changed into her monster form. "Never can we have one day where I can fall asleep! No, can't have that because everyone knows that Lannie would love to be asleep now. Why not just pile her with all of this?!"

Lannie continued venting her anger out, but Clara suddenly grabbed her shoulder. Lannie spun around, wondering why her friend did that, but as soon as she saw the large crowd of people, she understood why. She looked back at where they had emerged from and saw that it was slowly sank back down into the ground. She knew it was now or never.

"How do we fight if we only have a healer and a fighter?" she asked Clara.

"Don't worry. Just wait," the blonde girl whispered.

Lannie stood there stoically, ready to take the crowd of people head on. She figured she'd maybe at least last a little more than half the crowd. The group started to grow closer with each passing second. She could feel her stomach tighten up, but she knew she had to shake this feeling. Just as the group was less than a mile away, she heard someone scream out their name. She looked up to see Camella flying towards them as she hung onto Cadeo's neck. She slipped her arms off his neck as they neared the ground, but Cadeo let go of her a little  too fast, dropping her onto the ground. She slowly pulled herself off the ground, an angry look on her face as she looked up at Cadeo.

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