Chapter Fourteen

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Camella shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight that hit her face once she pulled aside the overgrown plants that blocked her exit. Her eyes fell upon a fantasy garden. Cheerful flowers, bright, green grass, swaying trees, everything cheerful she could imagine was there. She wandered to the middle, admiring the place. She couldn't believe her eyes. She must of been passed out on the floor or something because a place like this didn't exist in real life. She felt like she was dirtying the place by just standing there.

"Hi," a voice greeted.

She turned around as two white figures approached her. She had to shield her eyes because they emitted a bright radiance that she knew would burn her eyes if she looked long enough.

"I'm surprised you didn't end up getting lost in that place," another voice teased. She put her hand down once the radiance faded away and she saw two boys stand in front of her. The one on her left was giving her a calming smile. His dark brown hair naturally leaning towards the right. His brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight and popped out against his plain white t-shirt and faded blue jeans. The one on her right had his hands shoved into the pockets of his knee-ripped jeans. His plain black t-shirt made his blue eyes stand out. His light brown hair swooped to the left just over his black, thick-rimmed glasses.

She backed away from them, ready to run back into the passage.

"Wait, don't go back. They'll just capture you again," the boy on the left said.

"Who are you guys?" she asked dumbly.

"You're kidding me right? You're about as dumb as you look," the boy on the right insulted. "Can't you tell by our voices that we're the ones that've been helping you."

"How can you speak into my mind with out doing that whole forehead kissing things," she asked.

"Well, first of all, we aren't demons," he replied bluntly as if it was an obvious answer. "We're angels."

She wanted to turn around and back into the passage, hoping that everything she had been through was just some twisted dream she was having, but her feet were glued to the ground.

"Who are you?" she asked again, her voice barely audible.

The boy on her left smiled. "I'm Carlin Harps and that's my twin brother, Cadeo."

Cadeo lazily raised his hand at her. "Is it really necessary that we introduce ourselves? Her little friends will be here any minute now to blame us for supposedly kidnapping her."

Camella tilted her head to the side a little. "Did you say you were an angel?"

"Yeah," Cadeo replied.

She made a face as she shrugged her shoulders. "Don't see it."

He marched up to her, staring her straight in the eye. "I should just-

"Cadeo. Cool it," his brother said firmly. "We're angels for a reason."

He back away from her, shooting her a vicious glare.

"Why don't you show her around instead of harassing her? I'll have to go get our stuff before they come. Don't do anything rash," Carlin said as he casted his twin a worried look, but Cadeo already had his back turned to him, walking away. Camella glanced between the two, but followed Cadeo once Carlin had nodded at her with a smile playing on his lips.

He watched her trail off after his brother and chuckled to himself. He looked at the sky, the smile never leaving his lips. He knew things would turn out interesting soon. He closed his eyes, letting the sunlight shine on his skin and then he disappeared as he walked towards the light.

Demon's Tears{Editing}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя