Chapter Eleven

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When she had woken in with a bitter feeling in her stomach. She just knew it was going to be one of those days. First it was nearly missing the bus; then it was nearly missing class, but during the whole day, she couldn't concentrate. She could only think about one thing.

Yesterday. She remembered everything down to the confession, the kissing....and what she had to tell her aunt so that she wouldn't get pissed at her. 

As if that wasn't enough, Adam told her at lunch that the second part of the dreaded mating things was to happen in three weeks. To make the day one of her worse, she hadn't seen Kaden all day. He didn't even show up for school.

She slammed her locker in frustration when she couldn't find her geometry book..The bus was about to leave and she really didn't feel like scouring the school just to look for her geometry book.

Then there was a tap on her back. She whipped around so see Lucus with her geometry book in hand. She took it from him while mumbling a thank you. She half expected him to nodded his head and walk off, but when he didn't, she was a bit surprised.

"So what are you going to do?" he asked. she scrunched up her face in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"You do realize that Kaden will be mating in the next three weeks, right?" he asked slowly as if she couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

"I realize that. I'm not going to do anything about it. It's not lie we're dating or anything. There's simply nothing I can do about."

She slung her bag over her shoulder as she started for the exit. Lucus followed beside her.

"Then what if I said I could help you break the seal of there mating thing before the three weeks are up and we also catch the killer behind all the murders lately.?" he proposed. She stopped at the sidewalk, now looking at him. She nearly forgotten about the mass murders since everything had been low key for a while.

"I'm listening."

Then for the second time in her life that she had known Lucus, the corners of his mouth twitched upward. The smile was bigger than the one had flashed her before. He looked younger, less serious when a smile played on his lips. He even looked a lot cuter.

"I don't believe that their seal is real, but I don't have any proof to prove that. The only way I can get proof is if I capture Kiel. So, you, Adam, Annie, Clara, and I are going to ditch school for the next three days. I already have an idea of where he's hiding," he explained.

"What about the killer?"

"I have a feeling that the killer will reveal himself alogn the way."

Before she could say another thing, a familiar silver car pulled up. The black windows rolled down only to reveal Silas sitting in the car with a smile on his face.

"You know, Lucus, I'd advise you to cut your mental connection with me if you're going to devise a plan like that," he chuckled.

"You know as well as I do why I didn't break our mental connection like I did with Kiel and Lannie," he said. 

"Oh, really?" he chuckled again, but the shine in his eyes spoke the answer for him.

"You're going to help us."

"What makes you think i'll help you.

"Because you want to be the first to rip Kiel's guts out when you see him."

Silas leaned out of his car to get a better look at the two standing in front of him. There was a moment of silence until he chuckled.

"Well, then I guess i'll see you guys tomorrow."

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