Chapter Nine

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She never thought it was going to happen to her. She was literally too pretty to die. She had a photo shoot in the morning. She could not die now when something so important was going to happen soon. Why couldn't they have chosen a wannabe cheerleader? Her ghostly blonde hair flapped behind her as she ran for her life through the dark, lonely street. She was screaming before, but no one seemed to have heard her. She desperately wished someone would show up soon because running in her tank top was going to get her sick and she was starting to come to a dead end.

That's when he showed up. All she saw was the muscular outline of his figure and his glowing light brown eyes. She couldn't see the rest of him, but she knew he was hot. She ran over to him, immediately clinging onto his shirt. His musky smell was intoxicating to her.

He wrapped a comforting arm around her and smiled. He knew he had her caught in his trap. She looked behind her, searching for the monster that was chasing her, but it was gone. He felt his thirst increase. He had to feed now or else he'd lose control. He leaned his head on hers gently. Then there it was. This calming heartbeat with the enticing, vanilla scent was what he was looking for. She was another Whisperer.

He carefully peeled her off; whispering words of relief. She stepped back from him, smiling happily. That's when he smiled wickedly. She screamed in terror when monstrous arms wrapped around her. His partner's hand clasped over her mouth, muffling any sound she made.

He let his body become gnarly and disgusting as he grew bigger. His skin turned a sickly black while his fingers ripped open for talons to come out. His teeth gleamed in the moonlight as it sharpened and grew.

The girl's eyes widened in fear and she began to trash about wildly. His partner let her slip from the strong grip they had. she tried to run away, but his talons only ripped threw her chest as he grabbed her. He opened his hand up, slicing her body up into different sections. He watched everything fall to the floor in a bloody mess. His arms hung back at his body, blood dripping off him like sweat. He closed his eyes, listening for the faint heartbeat of the organ he wanted. Once he heard it, a smile fanned across his ghastly face. His opened up to see that his partner now held the slightly beating organ.


Camella yawned as she wandered into the kitchen scratching her head. She was not in the mood to be awake so early after what happened yesterday. She barely escaped being question by her aunt on why she was all dirty.

She casually greeted her aunt as she walked to the fridge, but once she didn't get a response, she looked over to see her aunt's face drained of color while a newspaper was in one hand and a coffee mug in the other. She glanced over at the clock. six thirty. The newspaper wasn't suppose to come until eight thirty. She knew this couldn't be good. She sat down across from her frozen aunt, waiting for her to give her the bad news.

"Aunt Mel?" she asked concerned. Her aunt didn't reply. She laid down the paper, now holding the coffee mug with two hands as if it were her only source of strength. She looked at her aunt, wondering what the paper had said that made her so speechless, so she took a look for herself. Once she saw the head line, she wish she hadn't.

"Another girl was killed....?" she asked more to herself.

Go to the scene around'll find something that'll help you.

Here we go with the voices again. was all she thought once she heard them. Her phone vibrated raucously in her pocket, causing her to become startled. She fumbled to take it out and glance at the text she got so early in the morning.

Need a lift?

She was surprised to see that the text from none other then Silas. A honk came from outside the house, making her rush over to see who was honking first thing in the morning. When she saw Silas' face, she didn't know what to think. She just grabbed her jacket and backpack, calling back to her aunt that she was leaving just before she closed the door. Slipping on her jacket, she walked over to the running car. She shot him a confused look.

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