Chapter Eight

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"Camella!" Aunt Melissa yelled from the kitchen. "CAMELLA!"

Camella walked down stairs, curious to why her aunt was yelling so loud in the morning.

"What's up, aunt Mel?" she asked walking to the fridge. She opened it up to take the only bottle of Cream Soda that was left in there. She popped the cap off, waiting for her aunt to continue, already knowing what it was going to to be about.

"We need to talk," she sighed as she turned away from the food she was cooking.

"About what?" the teen asked.

"These murders that have been going on lately. I don't want you going outside by yourself as much," she said as she turned back to her food to continue stirring it.

"I appreciate your concern, but I highly doubt the killers are going to come after me."

She took a sip of her drink as her aunt sighed heavily once more. She cut the fire to low and turned to Camella with a hand on her hip.

"At least have someone with you while you're walking."

"Like who?"

"Like....your boyfriend. Jaden, right?"

Camella choked on her drink as she heard the words slip from her aunts mouth. She coughed a few times before giving her aunt a look.

"First, his name is Kaden, not Jaden. Second, he's not my boyfriend."

"Whatever he is, at least can you get him or one of your friends to come over and take you to the mall while I clean the house?"

"Do you need any help?"

She shut the stove off and shot Camella a look.

"No. You're a teen and it's Winter. Go enjoy yourself!"

"It's more like Summer. Aunt Mel, I'm wearing shorts and a long sleeved shirt. What does that tell you?"

"To get out of the house and enjoy yourself while I clean!"

Camella tried to protest, but her aunt simply handed her her jacket as she pushed her out the door. Once the door slammed in her face, she sighed in defeat. Whipping out her phone, she began to check her contact list. She suddenly realized that she didn't have anyone's number in her phone except for Kaden, Adam, and Clara. she thought about asking Clara, but remembered that Clara had told her she was going to be doing something important today, so that crossed her off the list. She wasn't really in favor of hanging with Kaden after what she saw yesterday and that only left.....

"Adam....." she winced. She made a mental note to get more phone numbers so this wouldn't happen again. She hesitantly dialed the number, waiting three rings before the lazy blonde picked up.

"Hello?" the lazy words breathed into the phone.

"Hey Adam!" she greeted with her best enthusiastic tone. "Wanna hang out today?"

"Are you sick?"

"No, why?"

"Because you just asked me to hang out with you....willingly."

"What's wrong with hanging out with your friend?"

"There's a new term for us."

She couldn't help but roll her eyes a little. Sometimes, she just didn't get Adam.

"But since you're asking, sure. I don't have anything else to do. I'll swing by and pick you up in ten minutes."

Before she could have a say in anything, he hung up on her. She sat down in front of her door, waiting for the expensive sports car to show up. She waited exactly ten minutes before the car showed up. The window rolled down, exposing the grinning face that belonged to Adam. Camella walked over to him, shaking her head as he just looked at her, the smile never leaving his face.

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