Chapter Ten

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She woke up early in the morning once again, the horrible morning taste still in her mouth. She couldn't stop thinking about the photos yesterday. Something about those green eyes in the photos were too familiar. Sudden thoughts flashed back to Kaden. His penetrating green eyes when he was in his monstrous form. She felt her blood run cold. That was ridiculous. There was no way it could of been him.

She slid out of her bed to go fix herself up for the morning. Once she finished, she wandered downstairs and paused once she heard another voice in the house conversing with her aunt Micaela.

"Really? That's funny because i have a cousin who does that too!" her aunt's cheerful voice drifted throughout the house. Camella poked her head into the kitchen immediately seeing who it was. Her aunt spotted her and the smile on her face grew bigger.

"Camella! Good Morning!" she chirped.

Adam spun his head around to flash her a smile. The sudden thought of their kiss yesterday made her look to the ground and shuffle over to the fridge without making any eye contact with him. She chugged down a glass of milk as the other two resumed their conversation. She pulled a pop tart out from the pantry and thoughtfully chewed it while ignoring the thoughts that came from her aunt. Once she was finished, she waited for them to finish talking. Adam glanced over at her, but immediately returned his gaze back to her aunt.

"Well, it was swell chatting with you, but we gotta get to school or we'll be late," he grinned. Her aunt said good-bye and the two left the house. 

Once they were inside the car, Camella began asking questions.

"Ok, what do you want?" she asked while narrowing her eyes at him.

"No reason. Can't a guy drive their friend to school?" he shot back.

"Not unless that guy has something to tell her."

Adam pressed his lips firmly together as if whatever he wanted to say was something difficult for him.

"About my ranting yesterday..." he began.

"You're in love with Annie. I know," she finished for him. He looked over at her surprised that she knew. He started to ask, but decided to give up on the question.

"What should i do?"

"Isn't it obvious? Do what you normally do. Flirt."

He snorted a bit as he laughed. "That isn't so easy when you actually like the girl."

"Trust me. It'll work."

They pulled into the school parking lot, so they ended the conversation. Once they got out, Camella spotted Annie heading towards the entrance of the school. she nudged him forward until he reluctantly gave in and began walking over to her.

She watched him pursue her friend until someone tapped on her shoulder, making her turn around. She was surprised to see Lucus standing behind her. She turned her attention towards him after they awkwardly greeting each other. He handed her a plain, black folder.

"There's the homework from yesterday. Have fun with it," he shrugged as he turned around. She held him back, making him turn around.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you know if anything interesting happened yesterday?" she asked.

For the first time since she had known Lucus, the corners of his mouth twitched upward slightly. It was almost unnoticeable.

"You should go see Clara about that one. I'm not obligated to say anything, but she can tell you everything," he replied before walking away with his hands shoved into his pockets. Then as if being summoned, Clara showed up next to her.

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