Chapter Five

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'A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.' 

That was the Robert Frost quote that ran through her mind as she ran to the mall while in rained. She should of realized that it was going to rain when she stepped out of her house, but already half way to the mall, it began to pour on her. She was relieved when she saw the building of the mall come into view. She hurried under the awning that laid above the entrance of the food court. She leaned against the window to catch her breath. After he breath was caught up, she turned to open the door, but as she entered into the building, she bumped into someone on the way out. he shyly apologized, but froze when she looked up. Kaden stood there staring at her with his dazzling blue eyes as rain droplets laid scattered through his hair. The sight of him completely caught her off guard and she could feel her cheeks burn. He gave her a heartwarming smile before waving her good-bye. She watched him go in the rain and quickly continued into the building. What had that been all about? It wasn't like her to become all shy when she bumped into someone she knew outside of school.

'Maggie scoffed. "Denial will not save you when Cupid's arrow find its mark." 

"If i see Cupid anywhere in the vicinity, I'm ripping his chubby little arms off." Vanda yanked the door open to Romatech.'

Another quote ran through her head. This time it was by Kerrelyn Sparks, the author of Forbidden Nights with a Vampire. Camella shook her head vigorously. There was no reason for that quote to pop up in her head because the answer was plain. She wasn't in love with Kaden. She never was and never will be.

In denial...

Ok, now she had had enough of those voices. She wandered around the food court looking for Clara. She finally spotted the white blonde girl sitting at the last table that was set up in the food court. She hurried over to her and sat down across from her.

 "Glad you could make it," she greeted. "I'm guessing by the look on your face, you bumped into Kaden on the way in?"

"How did you know?"

"I saw him right before you showed up."

"That explains a lot."

"Speaking of explain, I'm sorry that we all had to suddenly go like that."

"It's fine. I'm sure you guys had something to deal with."

"Kaden's just been a bit edgy lately."

"How come?"

"You heard the conversation, didn't you? He's been having the same one ever since he came here. He's suppose to have someone to protect, but it has to be someone close to him. He doesn't have any family, so it's kind of hard on him to find someone close to protect that's not a demon."

"Why do you have to have someone you protect?"

"It's kind of an atonement for the great blunder we committed a long time ago. If I went into detail of the entire incident, we would be here for ten years."

"Point taken."

"Kaden actually thought he found someone to protect when he met you, but the elders don't seem to happy with that decision and voted against it completely. They don't take a liking to Whisperers because most of them tend to be gentle, kind, and caring."

"He wanted to choose me to protect? Shouldn't he of known the rule about being forbade to protect a Whisperer?"

"Let's not go into detail about that just yet. We'll get to that. Let's focus on one main thing that will be concerning you. Jake Hemmings."

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