Chapter Six

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The rain continuously poured out onto the pavement like there was no ending it.

Great way to end of the day. Camella bitterly thought. it wasn't that she hated the rain or anything, in fact she loved it, but her day had already started off bad and didn't seem to be getting any better. First she was nearly late for school, then one of Kaden's jealous fan girls stuck out her foot so that she would trip and spill all of her stuff and that's exactly what she did. Next, someone stole her lunch when she had accidental left her locker open, soon after she was almost stampeded to death when Adam's fan girls saw him walk over to her. She was nearly killed again when a huge mob of fan girls almost ran over her again when they saw Rider. At lunch she had spilled her food everywhere when another one of Kaden's fan girls tripped yet again, but the worse part of all was that she never got to talk to Kaden once today. She was lucky enough to share some laughs with Annie, Ella, and Clara before they were whisked away from her by their exceedingly large group of fans. Just to top this bad day off, she had forgotten her umbrella at home and she already missed the bus home.

She gripped the strap of her backpack and just took a step outside into the pouring rain. She as about to run out into her pre-shower when someone pulled her back into the building. They whipped her around and she came face to face with none other than Kaden.

"Are you insane? It's pouring out there!" he exclaimed. 

"Well, how else am I going to get home? The bus already left."

He seemed to hesitate a bit, but he finally spoke. "Come stay at my place until it lightens up then."

Camella was speechless. "What?"

"Yeah, it's no problem with me. I live pretty close by. What? You're not scared are you?"

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. "You, I'm shaking in my shoes."

His silly grin appeared on his face. "Don't worry, i won't try anything on you. Let's go. Here, take me jacket and pull the hood over your head."

As she took his jacket that he handed her, she just stared at him in confusion. "What about you?"

"I'll be fine. I love the rain and I'm in a pretty good mood."

Well, at least someone's having a good day. she thought as she slipped on his jacket and pulled the hood over her head after zipping it up.

He grabbed her arm as he pulled her into the pouring rain. They ran away from the school, their footsteps barely audible in the rain. It was only a few minutes later, but they were already at his house. She barely noticed the plain, two-story house as it appeared into view. As they got to the front door, Kaden hurriedly began to unlock the door with the key that he withdrew from his pocket. Once the door opened up, they both raced inside the toasty, dry home. She kicked off her shoes while tossing her backpack next to it and stripping the jacket off. Walking over to the couch to lay the jacket  pn it, she failed to notice the clutter of shoes and tripped right over it. Luckily, Kaden caught her and pulled her close to him. When she looked up at him, she could feel her face grow warm. She noticed the way the raindrops slid off his wet hair like kids sliding off a slide. She liked the way the droplets that clung onto his eyelashes gave a different sparkle to his already beautiful blue eyes. She could feel her heart beat like a drum and wondered if he could feel it too. She shyly pushed him away while stammering she was fine. He gave her a smile as he explained that he was off to go change out of his soaking wet clothes. She nodded slightly and she watched him run up the stairs. Glancing around the room, she noticed the home was as plain on the inside as it was on the outside. She stretched out on the couch in exhaustion from her terrible day at school. She closed her eyes and listened to the rain fall onto the roof. She slowly felt herself drifting off into a slumber, but she didn't fight it. A nap was just what she needed. Lying there listening to the rain, she fell asleep.

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