Chapter Four

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The next morning, the sunshine drifted into her room, making her wake up before her alarm did. She stumbled out of bed like a lazy, fat cat and walked off to do her usual morning routine. She briefly glanced at the still unopened box of make-up her aunt had given her when she first started high school. There was no way she was wearing make-up even if you paid her a million dollars. She did the rest of her morning routine lazily, but could stop think how unbelievable it was that she had figured out who had been behind all the murders that had happened recently along with the fact that Kaden was some kind of monster. She swung her bag over her shoulder and walked out of the house to head to school. She was glad that it was finally Friday.

As she arrived on the campus of the school, she noticed everyone cluttered in little groups talking about God-knows-what. She didn't even need to guess what they were talking about. Her mind flood with thoughts that was all similar. Five other girls had been killed. She couldn’t help but wonder if Kaden was somehow responsible for this.

"Seems like everyone's talking about the same subject now aren't they?" a voice asked. Camella didn't even need to turn around to know it was Kaden, but she turned around anyways to see that he was grinning his silly grin.

"Seems like someone killed five girls recently. You wouldn't be responsible for that, right?" She asked. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"No, why would you think that?" he asked.

"You kill people to fill you hunger, don't you?"

"Not just any people. I only kill the ones that have bad heart. You know the ones that are cruelest to others."

"The ones those are cruelest to others?"

He moved his face closer to hers and she suddenly felt shy. His bright blue eyes looked even more beautiful up close.

"Those who taunt and tease girls like you. Before Cindy died, when we were in the Guidance Councilor's office, she told me you were some fake Asian who got surgery on her eyes so that they wouldn't be so small," he smiled. "She also said that straight hair of yours was really a wig."

That made Camella mad. "First off, I'll have you know this is 100% real hair. Also, my eyes are naturally like this. I'm not some sort of plastic surgery Barbie doll like her."

Kaden chuckled a bit. "I know that. I'm just messing with you. But back on the subject of the killings, none of them were me. I hadn't even known they occurred until now."

"Could one of your buddies have done it?"

"I wouldn't exactly call them my buddies....more like family."

"Ok, then are your, quote on quote, family, somehow involved in this?"

He just smiled at her again. "Most likely. They've been going berserk lately. Probably ever since Adam found another one like you."

"What do you mean like me?"

"Someone else who could hear thoughts. Someone young in the least. Once he had a taste of her heart he was running back boasting on how much it tasted like sweet heaven and gave him all this strength of some sort. He ended up eating her completely."

Camella could feel her blood run cold. "S-so they're looking for...."

He saw the look on her face and patted her head like a little kid. "They're looking for more people like you. Don't worry. I'm not going to let that happen."

The bell rang and he told her that they had better hurry of to class before they got a tardy slip. Kaden walked away from her and she watched him go. She could feel sinister glares being shot her way. When she turned around, a group of girls were giving her the devil's eye. She didn't even have to guess what they were thinking. They're thoughts just sunk into her head like a sharp dagger. She hadn't realized that some girls were this obsessed with him. The last thing she needed was another Justin Bieber like fan group. She just shook her head and walked into school to get to her class.

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