Chapter Three

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He's inside the house. Wake up. The voice whispered. 

Camella's eyes instantly shot open when she heard those words. She listened closely to see if she could hear those words again, but everything seemed to go quiet until she heard the soft footsteps of someone creeping on the floor. She knew there was no way that it could have been her aunt Micaela, who was the only other person in the house. 

She slowly got out of bed and went over to her door, pressing her ear against the cold wood and listened carefully for any faint sounds. A quiet, low growl similar to the one she had heard the day she passed out, lightly echoed through the halls. The person or thing seemed to be looking for something. Camella decided that she shouldn't take a chance and just find a place to hide. She was hoping this wasn't some kind of murder because she really wasn't planning on dying any time soon. 

She quickly looked all over her room for a spot to hid, but there wasn't a single one. Her eyes finally came to her bed and she rapidly walked over to it and began sliding underneath it. It was a stupid place to hide, but it was the only place in the room that worked. She lay on the floor counting the seconds that went by. When she came to seventy-five, she heard her door slowly creak open. She saw a pair of feet enter the room ever so quietly. It began to search all around the room for whatever it was looking for, but let out a sound that sounded like a frustrated sign when they couldn't find whatever it was. She quietly waited for the thing to leave her room before she slid out from under her bead, counting the seconds once more, but stopped when she got to eighty-seven. She watched as it left her room, the door quietly shutting, and she slid out from under her bed.

Don't be fooled! He realizes you've come out from hiding now! You're doomed! The voice screamed. 

Camella really didn't want to turn around since she knew that whatever was just in her room a second ago was now standing behind her. She held her breath as she slowly turned towards the thing. It the dark room, she couldn't make out what the creature looked like, except for the fact that it had bright, green eyes. She sensed the feeling of familiarity as she continued to stare at the creature. The creature let out a low growl and slowly walked towards her. Camella began to back up, but when her back hit the wall, she knew she was done for. She watched as the creature grew closer; its cold fingers wrapped around her throat, trying to keep her from moving any longer. She couldn't help but continue to stare into the creatures bright eyes. She didn't struggle or scream. She simply stood there as the creature let out a low growl.

"Kaden..." she whispered. She didn't know why she whispered it, but it certainly caught the creature off guard. He gently dropped her and began to back away from the room. Before she knew it, the creature was gone and out of sight.

The events are about to unfold! It unleashed the creature! The voice screamed, but Camella simply ignored it. She could see the sadness that lurked within the creatures eyes. The same sadness she felt when she found out that her parents die a few days after she was born.

She slowly got into bed and just stared at the ceiling. She couldn't get the shaking feeling out of her body. Why did she call the creature Kaden? It looked nothing like him, but those bright eyes had a sense of familiarity.

 The next day Camella woke up groggily. She lazily rolled out of bed as she turned off the alarm of her clock. She got herself ready for school and was out the door in ten minutes flat. She just knew this wasn't going to be a good day. It never was when she was out of the house that quickly. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened last night. Nothing added up. She wanted to get close to Kaden and try hearing his thoughts again, but she suddenly declined that thought. Why was she getting worked up over something stupid like that? What if Kaden caught her staring at him? What was she going to tell him? That she was trying to read his thoughts? That just sounded ridiculous. Before she even realized it, she was already at school. Yup, this day was definitely going to be a bad one.

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