Chapter 17

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It's crazy how we as individuals interact with others. I mean we follow our peers instead of leading our hearts. Guiding our minds in the right path so that we don't be lead astray. It should be easy for us for those of color, but you're wrong. We'd rather treat strangers with respect and call them family; but when it comes to our own we treat them like trash. We disrespect them, fight with them, argue, bicker, stab in the back; betrayal our own bloodline of Kings and Queens of our generation of color. If that was the case, why don't we just go back to slavery, and be sold like we're pieces of property to the white man himself.  Traditional that kind of stuff works, but times have changed and every thing around it has developed to the private eye we seem to know existed until now.

Whatever you want to call it; it's been done, and that the norm these days we seem to treat those that aren't like family to us we give them praise and respect them, but for our family, our own flesh we push them down because at the end of the day they'll show us unconditional love; but what if said for our families the "unconditional love" runs dry? What are we going to do then? Where are going to go? Who are we going to turn to?

We were taught when we were little to always follow our hearts no matter how dangerous, or risky it may be. We were also told that we could be anything we wanted to be as a kid; as we grew older in our teen years we were told the same thing as long as it pays well, and as a kid back then you weren't too worried about the expectations shown to us, but as we got older expectations are all that matter now. It's like our life is a canvas and there are many different varieties of paint and all we have to do is push ourselves to do better. When is it time to realize that we all matter. A simple thank you, or smile would make someone's day instead of them going home and overdosing.

People these days are more worried and more concerned about how many followers do I have?, or who likes me? When all they have to do is look in the mirror and see whoever's looking back at them. That's who matters. That's who's important.

Being black isn't an easy job for a person of my stamina. Especially, if you're female like me. When I hear the word black being uttered from someone of different ethnicity or color I cringe at the sight of it and shake at the thought of what they think and say about us. Being black wasn't a chose we were given growing up. It was passed down to us by our ancestors before us. Back then, Black men and women like myself are scrutinized and stripped bare ass naked to the bone by the way they looked, talked, and dressed.

Now there are two different sides of "black" you have the haves, and the have nots, which by the way didn't make it any more better because the haves flaunted their money to those that didn't show loyalty from the start trying to "impress the white man" never had to work a day in their life to appreciate the good their ancestors had to overcome; while the have nots those were the ones working their asses off just to get food on the table or clothes on their backs to survive.

A few weeks later:

I arose from my slumber as the room was dark and gloomy. When I sat up I noticed Miracle was nowhere to be found. Shes been sleeping next to my side for a few weeks now just making sure I'm safe. We've grown to trust each other, and become really good friends. She had left a note next to the side of the bed explaining that she had to get up early for work, and that there's food in the kitchen; so make yourself at home and she'd be back by five in the afternoon. I smiled slightly as I looked over at the clock on the night stand that read 6::45 AM. I got up and opened the curtains as I looked up at the clouds. "Jezz, looks like it's going to rain" I thought to myself as I made a face. Still; in my night wear I decided to soak under the hot water in the shower to wash the stress away. Believe it or not, Maxwell was on my mind as the hot water hit my face as I ran my hands through my hair and closed my eyes. I wondered if he was okay.

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