Chapter 16

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Just when I thought things for me couldn't get any worse: When Lieutenant Simmons opened the door to her house her girlfriend or should I say fiancé Charlotte was waiting for her to come home. She set my bags down by the door as the two of them argued over me once Charlotte laid eyes on me. She smacked her lips in disgust of my appearance and then smacked Lieutenant Simmons in the face, but she caught her arm before she could even make contact. I watched as the two or should I saw Charlotte yell and screamed at Lieutenant Simmons as I stayed silent. It was very uncomfortable.

Her name was Charlotte Bonclair her father owned a company up on the upper east side selling beauty products that made you look ten times younger or what I've heard. Lieutenant Simmons stood to be about 5 foot 4 inches and Charlotte Bonclair was my height, she was slim, pretty skin tone lighter than mine and she was about two years older than me. She had a BA in business for you could tell she was smart. She wore glasses and had very good taste in clothes that made her look professional. You'd think she'd had class at least by her demeanor, but she did not. She wore her hair down to look casual, and either up in a ponytail or in a bun while at work. She works for a law firm north side of here and makes good money. I hope she doesn't know Maxwell, or else we'd both be in deep shit. I say to myself as she makes eye contact with me.

She eventually left upset and walked out the door as she gave one good look at me. Lieutenant Simmons didn't look very happy for when she sighed and sat on the couch with a stressed out, but tired-some look on her face. I held onto my bag and cellphone as I stood quietly by the door. She stared at me and smiled a little. I'm beginning to feel whenever she looks at me her problems and stress seem to melt away. That made me feel less tense as I walked towards her.

"How long have you known Charlotte?" I said to her as I sat down.

Lieutenant Simmons looks at me as she takes off top walking towards the bedroom as she grabs a shirt to put on.

"About 12 years; well for me at least." she says as she grabs a water bottle from the fridge. She glances over at me as she asked if I wanted one. I shook my head as she handed me hers then grabbed one for herself. She leaned her shoulder against the wall as she opened the bottle and drank from it. I kept mine clenched tightly to my chest.

12 years, that's a long time that practically marriage.

I thought to myself as my eyes widen away from her as I thought about Maxwell and his wife Alexandria. I rushed to open the bottle as I could reminisce of the time I spilled water all over my dress the one Maxwell bought me.

"12 years?" I say as I slowly placed the rim to my mouth and took a sip.

The water felt refreshing as it slid down my throat as I drank some more. I drank it to the half way mark as I placed it on the floor next to my feet. Lieutenant Simmons chuckled under her breath as she shook her head back and forth. I stumbled under my breath for I was tongue tied again. My heart raced and palms sweat for I felt I was in a movie answering a hard question. Lieutenant Simmons never broke eye contact for she was waiting for me to respond. She had somewhat asked me a question as I zoned out for my mind was spinning with thoughts of Maxwell coming back and hurting me. You brought this on yourself... says my self conscious mind as I distracted myself by looking around the room studying Lieutenant Simmons memories and many trophies from when she was younger.

"Harlee, are you alright?" she says to me as I snap back into focus.

"Y-Yeah; I'm okay. Just tired." I say feeling ashamed and an ounce of regret.

She nodded and looked at the time for it was only 9:45 pm and she had to be at work early, so she grabbed my things and walked me to the guest room where I'd be staying. It had almost everything. It had a bed, a bathroom with a shower; all it needed was a touch of TLC. She placed my bags on the bed and walked towards me by the door.

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