Chapter 13

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The police showed up minutes later, so did Camille and Zoey. Maxwell was dragged out the house in handcuffs screaming and fighting his way back to me where I was locked in the bathroom for my safety. I didn't come out until I knew it was completely safe. Law enforcement officers circled him as they drew their guns and tasers out. I heard one man shout: "On the ground now!" as Maxwell would scowl and growl at him like a deranged animal with rabies. Camille and Zoey made their way inside as they looked at Maxwell and the five or six cops surrounding him as they saw another officer female talk to another officer trying to defuse the situation.

"Can someone help me find my friend?" says Camille all worried and confused.

Zoey goes off to the side as one of the officers grabs Maxwell by the arm and walks him to the police car. One of the officers walks over to Camille and tries to assist as the female officer talks to captain P. Cross for more details. I contemplate whether I should leave the bathroom or stay in here a little longer, but by the looks of things, I don't want the attention drawn to me. I felt terrible for doing what I did to Maxwell. I didn't want to send him to jail for something I knew was my fault. I was startled by the knock on the door as I jumped in fear of Maxwell coming back. Suddenly; I heard a familiar voice and felt safe.

"Harlee- I mean Queenie dear, please come out. One of the officers wants to take a statement from you" says Camille as she leans her shoulder against the door waiting for me to comply.

I touch my face as I hear more chatter on the other side as I try to calm my nerves. I turn on the faucet to distract them for a while letting them think I'm coming out. I grabbed a clean towel and dabbed it with water to clean the open wounds on my face and bruises on my neck and the rest of my body. The fresh wounds stung a little as I dabbed gently to wash the dirt away to risk the cause of infection. About fifteen minutes passed, and I was still in the bathroom. I wanted to move, but my body wouldn't let me. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to burst. Another, knock on the door scared me as I jumped but louder than the last; this time it was the female officer.

"Hello, Harlee this is Lieutenant Marisol Simmons. You can call me Miracle; is that alright?" she says as she leans in talking through the door. I don't do anything and slowly walk towards it and press my hand against it and take in a breath.

"Y-Yes...." I said weakly.

Camille and Zoey stand by the door along with Lt. Simmons and the captain as I talk through the door.

"Harlee, can you come out; so we can get a statement?" says Lt. Simmons.

"Is he still out there?" I said sounding frail.

Lieutenant Simmons cleared her throat and scratched the tip of her nose and glanced over at Camille and Zoey. She placed her hands on her belt buckle and turned her head to the side. I put my hand on the doorknob as I felt a sharp pain on my side as I abruptly let go. I backed away and stood still as I could feel his presence. I could feel his breath down my neck as he wrapped his hand around my throat and gripped it chocking me from behind, whispering in my ear saying how this is all my fault, and I deserve what's coming to me.

"Yes, Harlee he's gone. Can you please come out the bathroom you're safe now; he's not going to hurt you," she shouted.

The pain I began to feel increased, and I started to feel numbness in my neck all the way down to my waistline. I paced back and forth shaking my hands to flush away the negativity I was receiving. That didn't work so, and I turned on the water in the sink to distract me from the voice inside my head. His voice inside my head. Lieutenant Simmons knocked on the door a few times to see if I'd answer and Camille started to worry and began to bite her nail bids or what's left of them anyways.

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