Chapter 6

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The hotel stays with Maxwell were as expected as always. Except, we didn't have sex, not that I wanted to it's just he was kind, sweet, and a gentleman not your standard fuckboy, a hit it or quit it type, but a gentleman nonetheless. I've been seeing Maxwell a little bit over four months, and I've practically had dreams of touching this man in every possible way imaginable. He just doesn't seem to budge, and I've been wanting him for weeks. He respects me and I appreciate it, but now that I'm twenty-six he's asking for it; for me to punish him in so many different ways. I feel like I'm making a fool out of myself every time I touch him I loose my mind my heart beats uncomfortably fast it's like I can't breathe with no air.

We stayed in the hotel for six days which must of cost a fortune for him but he seem to not care for it was his money. He stayed silent on the drive back to my apartment I started to believe I said, or did something wrong to provoke him. He looked angry like something was eating him, but I couldn't tell what. When he dropped me off he gave me a side hug and sped to the car as I watched him leave. As I entered the apartment it was dark, cold, and sad knowing Camille wasn't there and in the hospital drove me insanely crazy. I spent most days just watching movies, TV, the clock. I took a hot shower and text Maxwell before my head hit the pillow that was an hour and a half ago and no response. He started acting really strange after we left the hotel and it was starting to piss me off.

I caved in and got a job at the BumbleBeeBurger Shack to help Camille with the rent. I hate wearing the uniform that objectify women to it's lowest standard of society. In other words I have to wear a uniform that comes up to my thighs and a fluffy frizzy top that's black and yellow like a bee; along with my name tag and a stupid saying to brighten up their day as I greet them with a smile along with today's special. I wouldn't be so bothered by it if the uniforms for the women wouldn't be so sexist and degrading. It makes me want to puke. The men at BubbleBeeBurger wear what seems like a suit and tie when all it is; is nice slacks with a white or black dress buttoned shirt with their name tags. I just don't understand society nowadays. Maxwell, on the other hand, seems to love the uniform, and why would he he's a guy. A guy like him of course he'll stoop to that level just to get a rise out of me.

I came home from a long and hard days work and like I expected silence feels the air as I stand there scanning the room as I hope to feel Camille's presents. I couldn't hear or see her for it was yet another day alone at the apartment. My feet were killing me and I needed to get out of these clothes. I felt like I had been violated; touched by so many people all kinds of people. It was disgusting. I stepped into the shower as music continued to play on my phone. It dinged repeatedly over one of JT songs "Cry Me A River" I couldn't focus for he was on my mind and I needed him. I stepped out the shower with the towel wrapped around my damp body as I picked up my phone. It was a text from Maxwell.

Open the door Queenie.

I went to my room as I put on my night wear which was just a long T-Shirt as I put my hair in a messy bun. A few minutes later I got a call from Maxwell. I was afraid to answer it after a few days of not returning my calls or text, but I answered and as I closed my eyes my heart began to race. It was good to hear his voice. He instructed me to walk to the door and stand there I didn't know what came over me, but I did. He told me to cup my breast hard and moan softly to him over the phone. I saw that it was him watching me through the peep hole. We gazed at each other as he gave me another order. "Open the door, love" he says. I felt hesitant for I didn't know what he was going to do. He chuckles as he licks his lips.

"Queenie, open the door. I'm not going to bite" he says as the sound of his soothing voice sends a tingle in between my legs.

I lick my lips slowly and close my eyes as he hears me breathe. He calls out to me as we watch each other. I could see his eyes shine through and get a little bit too excited as he licks his lips. I hang my head down low and chuckle. "You know you want to" he says sounding certain. My hand was on the doorknob as he studied my eyes and lips. I could tell his patience was running thin because I took forever to open the door. "What are you going to do to me if I don't" I said sounding quite alluring. He gave me a look I've seen before in Oliver when he begs, and, so I caved.

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