23 - Unwelcome Wakening.

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Kyungsoo's fury melted off of him like poison. His stance wasn't threatening at all, however, everything was displayed in a black mass within his eye's.
Y/n froze. The other men in the room froze. The World froze. Nothing seemed to move except for the steadily rising chest of the man who stood grudgingly in the doorway.

"Well?" Kyungsoo's eyes traveled the room, burning heat at everyone who stood under his intense glare.

Y/n never knew pressure quite like this.

Baekhyun was the first to crack, "It was Chanyeol!" He squalled as the taller male seemed to die inside just a little.

Kyungsoo's glare flickered to Chanyeol who instinctively took a step back.

"D.O. Please. I-"

"It was me." Y/n cowered within herself as the confession slipped passed her lips.

"And who might you be?" Kyungsoo's rage didn't waver as he questioned her.

"That's Y/n." Kai found his voice, as he introduced the female without looking up from his phone screen.

Kyungsoo's eye's were diligent as he assessed her, looking her up and down.

"The Mentors daughter?" He tilted his head upwards, his anger subsiding a little.

"I expect it to be cleaned by morning." He turned his attention to Chanyeol, "Don't let it happen again." It suprised Y/n that Kyungsoo directed his statement towards Chanyeol, but Chanyeol understood why. It was Chanyeol who bought her to The Exo District. As far as Kyungsoo was concerned, Chanyeol was the reason she was here and Chanyeol was ultimately responsible for the mess in his bathroom.

Leaving it at that, with a warning glance towards Chanyeol, Kyungsoo turned away. Everything seemed to freeze once more as everyone listened to his footsteps grow thinner as he walked through the halls. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they heard his door slam shut.

"That was fucken close." Chanyeol muttered.

"Do you have any idea the amount of shit you just escaped, girl?" Baekhyun said from his sitting position on one of the beds, "I'm impressed you owned up."

"So am I." Chanyeol mused, smiling fondly at her.

She looked back and forth between the boys as the spoke. The way they spoke about Kyungsoo earlier in the car, she definitely imagined someone around Chanyeol and Namjoons height, and Jungkooks build. To her suprise he was almost the exact oposite, not that she's ever been one to under estimate anyone.

He reminded her of Yoongi in just the small amount of time of seeing him, the calmness they held when they were furious that gave others false hope. Despite their smaller statures, they both held the fear of many, even their own friends. In that moment of mentally comparing Yoongi and Kyungsoo, she suprised herself that her opinion of her best friend hadn't changed despite knowing that his intentions of friendship differed from hers.

"Come." Chanyeol held out his hand. Y/n grabbed it hesitantly and he lead her out of the room. 

He entered a smaller room just down the hall with her close behind, he turned on the light and shut the door behind them. It was a simple bedroom with everything needed for comfort. 

"This is my room." He stated as he sat on the bed. She remained standing, watching as Chanyeol layed back onto the bed, his legs hanging off the side.

"Do you all live here?" She didn't know why she was curious about their living conditions as she looked around his room.

"Most of us do," Chanyeol half rolled onto his side to look at her, "Yixing, Tao, Jongdae and Minseok live with Kris but they usually hang out here."

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