13 - What Have You Heard?

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"There's only one bed."

Y/n stared into the room her and Namjoon were expected to share. Standing in the doorway with her suitcase handle in hand.

Namjoon and Seokjin stood behind her, she could feel Namjoon's incredulous grin without having to turn around.

"It really isn't that bad," He gently pushed passed her, landing on the bed and sprawling out.

She rolled her eye's at him, "Jinnie, is there anothe-"

"Goodnight guy's" Seokjin smiled, cutting Y/n off before she could protest any further.

She deeply inhaled and trudged into the bedroom.

It was small and quaint, the walls were a simple white, bare without anything decorative.

There was an ensuit bathroom like most of the other rooms in Seokjin's building, It held a shower, basin and toilet.

She appreciated the simplicity of the room, but she hated that she had to share it with Namjoon, a guy who she had met just that day who had gotten on her nerves more than any other male she had known.

"So," Namjoon rolled on his side to face Y/n who was unpacking products onto one of the two double drawers in the room, "How long have you worked for Seokjin?"

"Please stop talking." Y/n was in no mood for any of Namjoon's curiosity, it had been a long day for her.

She just wanted to set her things up neatly, have a shower and go to bed.

"We might aswell get to know each other more since we're going to be sharing a room."

He sat up slightly, propping his head up onto his elbow as he remained lying on his side.

"It'll make things less awkward."

His grin was boyish and infectious, it seethed at her that everytime she attempted to hold a serious composure around him, he'd break through with a simple grin.

"I suppose you're right."

She finished unpacking most of her products before collecting her sleepwear.

"But, I need to shower first."

With that she stood and walked into the bathroom. She put extra effort into locking the bathroom door, pulling at it to make sure it was secure once she slid the latch over, she even went as far as placing a towel down to block the gap in between the bottom of the door and the floor.

After all, she didn't know Namjoon at all.

He doesn't seem like the pervy type, but you can never be too careful.

Half an hour later she strolled out of the bathroom cleaned and relaxed, she let the steam pile out of the door as she walked through it, towel drying her hair.

Placing her worn clothes into the hamper Seokjin provided, she then strolled over to the vanity drawer to apply her night time skin care routine.

"You feel better?" Namjoon was still lying on the bed, his phone in his hands as he scrolled through it.

"I do." She replied.

As she finished her routine she walked over to the bed, she shifted Namjoons legs over to his side of the bed nearest the wall.


She plonked herself down on the foot of her side of the bed, sitting cross legged.

"What would you like to know? Nothing inappropriate though, obviously." She waved her hand in his general direction.

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