12 - For Your Own Good.

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"WHAT!?" Y/n rose to her feet, "WHY!?"

Seokjin sighed, "Because Namjoon needs a place to stay while he's here, he asked for the spare room first."

Y/n sat back down, glancing at Namjoon whose mouth housed a face splitting grin.

"I'd rather take my chances back at the apartment."She mumbled.

"No." Yoongi broke in, "It's too dangerous. All of us here know what Chanyeol is capable of, you'll stay here."

"Are you kicking me out?" Y/n said, scowling at Yoongi.

Yoongi's face hardened, "If I have to." His tone of voice took her back a bit, it being deceptively soft, "I'll go and get some of your things and bring them back here, Taehyung can come with me."

She looked over at Taehyung who was blankly staring at everybody, she had forgotten he was even there.

"Taehyung can drive me there and I'll bring your car back with me so you can use it while you're here."

"Fine." She spat through gritted teeth, "But I'm coming with you."

She could never put her finger on why she would oblidge whenever Yoongi would tell her to do something, even if she was against it.

Maybe it was because he seemed older than what he was and she always figured he knew better, or maybe it was because she knew that when he set his mind on something, his decision is unwaverable.

"What are you smiling at?" She shot at Namjoon, feeling defeated.

"An idiot." He said cooly, earning a stifled grin from her and she hurriedly turned away.

"Well now that's settled, Namjoon..." Seokjin turned his attention to the man sitting opposite him, "Have you been to see the old man yet?"

Namjoon's face grimmaced, he noticably became on edge, "No." His voice was quiet and simple.

"I don't plan on it anytime soon either. Besides, I don't know where he is."

He took quickly timed glances at Y/n, he seemed aggitated as he spoke, making the air in the room feel tight.

Are they talking about Namjoon's Father?

As if on cue, Hoseok and Jungkook strolled into the room spitting profanities at each other.

"She was fucken ugly Bro, face it."

Hoeseok's face was red, it was hard to tell whether it was due to anger or embarrassment.

"Can you shut up! Her pictures were totally different."

"Come on dude, you knew what she looked like. You just didn't bank on me walking in on you two making out." Jungkook roared with laughter.

"Why did you come in anyway? I told you to wait."

"You were taking too long." Jungkook shrugged, stuggling to speak through his laughing fit.

"Well. That's our cue to leave." Yoongi nodded, signalling to Taehyung and Y/n to follow him out.

At the apartment, Yoongi rushed in first, leaving Taehyung and Y/n to stand outside.

Yoongi quietly unlocked the door but couldn't help the creaking sound of the old hinges as he slowly pushed it open.

He returned after a few miniutes, "The coast is clear." He breathed, releived.

All three entered the apartment, Y/n walked straight into her room leaving Taehyung and Yoongi to conversate in the living room.

Midway through packing the things she needed she received a text message, it was from Seokjin.

Please let Yoongi know he left his phone here,
He's receiving texts from Namjoon's old number.

She replied with a simple "Will do" before shoving her phone back into her jacket pocket.

Something in her pocket caught her attention, halting her for a moment.

It was a folded peice of paper. She frowned down at it after pulling it out, she didn't recall putting it in there.

She unfolded it hurriedly, her curiosity peaking.

How long has it been since you last saw your Father?
I hear he's been looking for you.
If you're ever curious, get in contact with me, you have my number.

My Father? She questioned mentally.

It took her a while to straighten out her thought's after reading the note.

She realised that it was in her jacket that she had left at the restaurant the previous night, it explained how the note found it's way into her pocket, but it didn't explain the meaning behind it.

She finished packing the last of her items, heading out of her room and towards the living room where Yoongi and Taehyung were waiting.

She had a large suitcase in one hand stuffed with clothing, shoes, skin care products, hair care products and toiletries. Her other hand wedged into her pocket where the note sat.

She wondered silently whether or not she should let the others know about it as her fingers fiddled with a corner of the folded page.

"You all set, Y/n?" Yoongi's soft voice pulled her out of her daze.

"Yeah, I'm good. I have everything I need." She replied, deciding that the note was something she should try and handle herself as descretly as possible.

"Cool, let's go back." Yoongi grabbed the key's to Y/n's car that hung above the kitchen counter.

"Here, Tae." He handed them to Taehyung who swapped the keys to his own car for Y/n's keys.

"We'll take your car while you follow in hers. Someone might recognise her car, but it's unlikely they'll recognise you."

Taehyung nodded as he understood the situation, "You need help with that?" Taehyung turned to Y/n, stretching out his hand towards the suitcase handle Y/n was clutching.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks Tae." She said, waving him away as they walked out of the apartment.

"Oh! You received some texts from Namjoon's old number too, Yoongs. Seokjin text me to let you know."

Yoongi nodded in reply, as him and Taehyung split up and headed to the cars.

On the way back to Seokjin's building, Yoongi drove through different streets, taking different routes as Taehyung tailed close behind in Y/n's car.

Yoongi drove different paths to ensure that if they were being followed, it would become aparent eventually if they were being followed the entire way.

Once he felt comfortable and assured enough that no one was tailing them, they made their way back to Seokjin's building.

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