19 - Daunting Recognition.

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It strangely felt like home. It wasn't that her surroundings were at all familiar, it was the feeling of uncertainty that loomed over everyone that she had seen; the constant on edge atmosphere that had everyone turning to see what was behind them. It was a habit that everyone had in The Bulletproof District that went unnoticed by her the entire five years she had resided there, until she saw that they weren't the only ones.

She stood quietly to the side as Chanyeol swiftly paced the room. They had been waiting only ten minutes outside of a door that Yixing had entered.

She was too anxious to speak to Chanyeol after his out burst in the car, so she remained quiet as she wrung her fingers together.

After what seemed like forever, there was a knock on the other side of the door, Chanyeol instantly stopped pacing and wrapped his fingers around the door handle, pushing the door open and gesturing her to follow him inside.

Inside sat two men behind a desk, she didn't recognise either of them-

One of them sat with his hands on the desk, his fingers interlocked as he smiled fondly at her. While the other sat arms crossed with a stern expression, making the other seem more amicable.

"This is her?" The stern one spoke, his voice deep.

"Yes." Chanyeol answered confidently.

All she could do was glance around the room, taking everything in, studying the two males before her. She made a mental note of a door to the left of her, judging by the windows that surrounded it, she figured it was an exit leading outside.

"Ex-excuse me," She stammered, "But who am I supposed to be?"

Her confidence was quickly depleting under the intense stares of the two males in front of her.

"You are," the friendlier man started,"exactly what everyone seems to need at the moment."

Her eyebrows knitted at his answer, she couldn't help but wonder why everyone was so cryptic in The Exo District, she figured they must have been allergic to being straight forward.

"Where are my manners? I'm Kim Junmyeon better known as Suho. This is Wu Yifan, better known as Kris. And this is our district."

They were nothing like she thought they'd be as the leaders of The Exo District. Suho appeared to hold himself as Seokjin did, confident and refind. He was well spoken and well mannered. Kris, however appeared stand off-ish, when he spoke it was harsh and to the point, she also noticed how Chanyeol never took his eye's off him.

"Please, take a seat." Junmyeon kindly offered.

She hesitantly pulled a chair back from the desk, checking it before she sat. Chanyeol grabbed another, placing it next to her before sitting down.

Junmyeon reached under the desk calmly and placed a shoulder bag onto the desk infront of him, he pulled out her photo album and flipped through the pages before shifting forwards in his seat towards her.

"Why did you take that?" She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes as she questioned him, wandering what he wanted with her memories. She felt intruded apon.

He raised his eyebrows as he stopped flipping through, he lifted the album and faced it towards her, his finger lightly tapping on a photo. "Do you know who this man is?"

She glanced down at the photo, frowning as soon as she saw it.

"That's my Father."

The photo was of her and her Father at her fifteenth birthday, it stung her heart to see it.

He chuckled quietly, "No. I don't want to know who this man is to you. I want you to tell me if you know who he is, what he does?"

"If he owes you money, I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him in years." She spoke frantically.

As far as Y/n knew, her Father owned a gambling rink. He left her and her Mother to return to- how her Mother would say, old bad habits.

Her Mother never elaborated whenever Y/n would ask about her Father.

Y/n couldn't remember very much about her Father growing up. They moved around a lot and her Father  had a tendancy to choose jobs that required he worked away from home. Then all of a sudden after she had turned fifteen, they moved towns once more but her Father never followed. None of his belongings arrived at the new house and neither did he.
Aside from birthday and holiday cards that were signed by her Father that showed up each year without fail, she had nothing left of him.

Once she finished college she figured she would move to a bigger, more rewarding city rather than moving back to the same small town where her Mother lived. She hasn't recieved a card since.

"He doesn't owe us, if anything, we owe him."Junmyeon smiled.

"So you repay him by kidnapping his daughter?" She spat the rhetorical question like acid.

"We just want to see him, we needed a way to get his attention."

"Well like I said, I haven't seen him in years. So if bringing me here was an attempt to see him, I'm sorry to say, you've failed."

Memories of her Father leaving was starting to vex her, making her reply haughtily.

"He'll come." Yifan finally spoke out, he was noticably growing impatient with her, "If you knew anything about him, you'd know, he'd come."

"Well let's say I don't know anything," She snapped, standing to slam her hands onto the desk, "Fucken enlighten me."

Chanyeol placed his hands firmly on her hips, pulling her down onto his lap where she sat too distracted to care.

She was fed up with talking about her Father, it made matters worse that Yifan acted as if he knew more about her own Father than she did.

Then it dawned on her- they probably did know more about her Father than she did.

She struggled to figure out what that had to do with her though.
She placed her hands over Chanyeols, pushing them away getting off his lap and sitting back in her own chair. She threw him an apologetic glance for her outward behaviour, but he remained tense.

"You really know nothing." Junmyeon breathed.

"Like I siad, enlighten me." Her words softened towards Junmyeon, his demenor was a lot more approachable since she walked in, compared to Yifan who seemed to go out of his way to be rude.

"Well, Kris and Lay have somewhere to be, but I'll be more than happy to enlighten you by telling you anything you need to know."

"Lay?" She questioned.

"That's me." A familiar voice chimmed delightedly from behind her.

She turned to see Yixing sitting cross legged on a sofa in the far corner. She hadn't even noticed he was there the entire time, even when she breifly looked around after entering, she could've sworn he wasn't there. Yixing reminded her of how stealthy Taehyung was and how he would go unnoticed, even in a room by himself.

She turned to face Junmyeon again, "You'll tell me anything?" She pressed.

"Anything you need to know." Junmyeon replied enthusiastically.

His choice of words intrigued her. Anything I need to know.

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