20 - The Founders.

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"Do you know of The three God Fathers of The Districts?" Junmyeon started.

They moved to a more quaint room. Chanyeol and Junmyeon had re-arranged a smaller office, placing couches in a tight-knit area around a small table making the room more intimate for their discussion. Junmyeon wanted Y/n as comfortable as possible so that she could take in as much as she could from the information he was about to tell her.

"I've only heard that they were the Founders of The Districts, nothing more." She replied.

"That's okay. Let me elaborate further," Junmyeon sat forward, ensuring he kept Y/n's attention on him the entire time.

"They made The Districts to keep rival gangs from claiming unecessary amounts of land for themselves, leaving nothing for anyone else which in turn, would lead to gang wars and havoc. The three first Districts that were made, are The Higher Districts."

Junmyeon leaned over the table, grabbing some pens out of a jar that sat in the middle. He placed three pens down next to each other. "These Districts are in the next city over, they serve as place holders for the Districts here."

"Place holders?" She questioned, knitting her eyebrows together.

"Yes, let me explain further..." He smiled, content with her interest in his explanation.

"The North of this City belongs to The Higher BigBang District. The Districts under them are The iKon District, The Winner District, The BlackPink District and so forth. The founder of these Districts is YG." Junmyeon held up a black pen, signafying it as YG.

"The East of the City belongs to The Higher One Day District, who are split into two Sub-Districts 2PM and 2AM. The Districts under them are The Got7 District, The Day6 District, The StrayKids District and so forth. The founder of these Districts is JYP." Junmyeon held up a green pen.

"The West of this City belongs to The Higher Super Junior District. The Districts under them are The SHINee District, The NCT District, The EXO District and so forth. The founder of these Districts is SM." He held up a blue pen.

"Now the Southern part of this City used to be free reign." He held up a red pen but instead of placing it next to the others, he placed it aside.

"The South is where you currently reside and although there is no Higher District that owns and runs the South, there is still a District in the South." He looked at her quizically to ensure she was following what he was saying.

"So... The South is like Central?" She tilted her head, frowning.

"Not quite." He grabbed a bright yellow highlighter pen and held it up, "Central is constructed of rules and is probably the only part of the City to actualy have a fundamental Law. It provides a safe place for those who have no desire to become involved with any of the Districts. It lays in the middle of The City to separate The District Lands, minimising Gang Warfare" He placed the highlighter down and spread the other pens around it, keeping the red pen aside.

"Now the South is where the gang wars would take place a few years back. It's a shame to say that innocent lives that lived in the South would constantly get caught in the crossfire and they land would become marred with scars of battles. That was until, a new District arose just over twenty years ago..." He held up the red pen, staring at it with an eager look in his eye, gaze scanning the pen as if it were the land itself.

"The Bulletproof District."

"It has been years since The Higher Districts were formed. Since then, many people have taken position as one of The Three God Fathers of The Districts, replacing their predecessor that came before them. As The Districts change and rotate, so do The God Fathers. Each new District demanding New Leaders." He picked up all of the pens and placed them neatly back into the jar.

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