18 - Eye's Full Of Greif.

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She backed away slowly, her mouth agape and her instincts slamming into defense mode.

"What are you doing here?" The shock in her voice laced every word.

"I came to see you."

"Yo-Yoongi will be back soon." She warned.

He sniggered faintly, "No, he wont."

Her heart fell at his words, she brought her hands together in front of her, wringing her fingers. She nervously glanced over to Hoseok who was still fast asleep. Praise those meds, she internally sighed. Chanyeols eyes followed her gaze before locking back onto her.

"What do you mean?" She spoke, attempting to distract Chanyeol from seeing the injured male on the couch, questioning with worry about Yoongi.

"Yoongi wont be back for a while, we made sure of that." Not a trace of remorse was found in his voice.

Her head started pounding as she thought of the worst possible scenario's, her mind keeping her words from leaving her mouth steadily.

"Wh-what have you done?"

"Don't look so disgusted," He yelled, "Your district has done far worse!"

She was rightfully scared of this situation, not just for herself but for Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook and the uncertainty about what's happened to them. Not to mention Hoseok who was severly injured on the couch. If his meds wore off and he woke up to see Chanyeol, the situation would only, most definitely esculate tenfold.

"Why are you here?" She figured the best way out for everyone, would be to give him what he wanted so it wouldn't cause further conflict.

"Like I said before, I'm here for you." His eye's didn't waver as he towered over her.

She backed away slowly, she could see the animalistic flare in his eye's. The same look he had the last time he desprately wanted something from her. Only this time, his intentions were more dangerous.

Before she could say another word, he launched himself at her, his long limbs making up for the poor amount of distance she made between them. He was quick to wrap his hand around her mouth knowing that screams at this time in the morning would raise suspicion than if it were the middle of the day. Girlish screams commonly mistaken for childsplay amongst couples during the day.

He turned her around so that she was facing away from him to make it easier to stay out of harms way as she thrashed her limbs around to no avail, his body firmly pressed against her back as he held her around the waist dragging her towards the exit.

Her muffled screams and desprate thrashing came to a halt as she saw a man approaching the doorway. She recognised him as Yixing and dread for Hoseok made her limbs go numb. He wore a satisfied grin that tore greif through her veins. She stopped fighting as she watched him pass, causing Chanyeol to loosen his grip around her. She took the oppertunity to rip his hand away from her mouth to scream.

"HOSEOK!!" She managed before Chanyeols hand silenced her again.

"Relax baby, we aren't here for him." Chanyeol whispered in her ear.

"Y/n?" To her suprise the voice belonged to Hoseok, she felt Chanyeols head turn behind her towards the direction of the couch.

"Shit. Let's go!" Chanyeol snapped at Yixing.

"Hey! What the fuck-"

The door slammed behind her, cutting Hoseok off as Chanyeol dragged her out of the apartment effortlessly, his overbaring size in comparison to her smaller frame made it easy for him to walk out with her hoisted in his arms with her feet off the ground, Yixing tailing behind him.

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