Boyfriend (Suga)

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"Class dismissed." You sigh in relief as your teacher walks out of the room and students start to go home. You fix your things.

"Hey Y/N, let's go shopping?" Your bestie shows up.

"Eh not today Y/BFF/N, I'm tired and I need to practice for the foundation day." You explain

"Okay fine, but let's go out next time okay?"

You simply nod and she left. You walked out the room and your sweet boyfriend, Suga pops out.

"Hey babe, you look tired and stressed." He says, comforting you with a kiss.

"Ah yes, I got picked to perform at foundation day." You sigh, since you can't show anything.

"Eh? Your good at drawing right? Why don't you draw yourself, or me?" Suga says smirking at you whole you both walk to the parking.

You raise an eyebrow at him,

"Seriously? I can't do that. That's just weird. And they'll make fun of me again." You said, sighing.

"Then, dance?"

"I can't dance, Jagi."


"Please, that's even worse than dancing."

"Them sing!"

You look at him, as he starts the car.

"W-what?" He asks and looks at you confused.

"My voice sucks, I tried singing but it sounded awful." You looked down, pouting.

"Aww, my babay's pouting, but your voice is the best music I've ever heard in my life." He says, making your heart beat even faster and he kisses your lip.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." He says and starts the car.

"Mom, I'm staying st Suga's for awhile."

["Okay sure sweetie, be home by 8. Love you."]

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