I Hate You Part 3 (V)

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It's been a few weeks and I noticed that TaeTae has become really protective. He's even willing to help me take a bath just because he doesn't want me to get tired haha.

I was happy, it was like we never a faced a problem recently. He was sweet before but now, he's even more sweeter.

4 months later...
"Yah, what are you doing?" I heard TaeTae as he grabbed the plastic bag of groceries I got from the back of his car. Yeah, we just got to our so called 'home', which is apparently a small apartment me and TaeTae pay for.

"Why? I'm just trying to help."

"Aish. I told you, you can't hold heavy things." He said and carried all the bags. Tsk, this guy is so sweet haha.

"But that's not even heavy. I can still carry stuff." I said and followed him inside.

"Still, I don't want you tired okay?" He said and kissed me on my lips. I respond and it lasted for a few seconds. I love his kisses so much.

"Now go get some rest. I'll cook dinner." He said and made his way to the kitchen. I smiled and went to our room.

I sat on the bed. *sigh* I looked at my belly. Other was getting bigger. Hmm, will it be a girl? I hope it's a boy.

"Baby, you're dad is getting sweeter now that you're growing bigger and bigger. I'm so lucky with your dad." I look like a fool, smiling so wide. Why is TaeTae just so sweet as ever?

3 months later...
TaeTae was beside me in bed, holding my hand. We were watching a movie in the laptop and its already been an hour. I suddenly felt TaeTae's hand on my belly, suprising me a bit.

"W-why?" Why am I stuttering?

"Nothing, I just can't wait for our baby to come out soon. I'm really happy we're together again, and specially now... We're a family." He smiled making me smile too. He kissed me passionately and of course, I respond. We kissed for a bit then he stopped.

"Maybe... We can make another baby?" He said making me blush. Wait what?

I pushed him playfully. "What are you saying. Can't you see this?" I said and point to my tummy. It was big okay, hahaha.

"Hahaha, I know. I'm just kidding obviously." He said and hugged me. Then he whispered something on my ear.

"But when our first child is out, let's make another one."


A few days later...




*crying baby*

Finally! Our baby is out!

I smiled as I see TaeTae's face. He was happy as hell.

"Y/N, I love you, so so much. I'm so happy." He said and kissed me on my forehead. I was happy too. After 9 months of waiting, our baby is out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kim, here's your lovely baby boy."

The nurse hands our baby to me. Aawww so cute. I can't help but to cry.

"He looks so much like me!" TaeTae said and does funny faces to our baby. So cute.

"Y/N, why are crying? You're crying even more than our baby haha." I just smiled. I can't imagine my life without this guy, TaeTae and of course our baby.

A/N: So guys, comment down what you would name your baby! Hehe

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