I Hate You Part 2 (V)

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I just can't...

My head hurts-no, everything hurts. I felt dizzy for some reason, my eyes were crying out so much tears, my tummy hurts due to... I don't know, hunger? Or probably something else. My body felt weak, I can't hold myself up. It's when my eyes started to close and me, probably collapsing to the ground.

Still in this stupid room, when do I even get out?

I can't stop thinking of Y/N, is she okay? Did she eat, what is she doing, does she feel sick? Fvck I'm so worried.

I can't leave this place because of my parents. I just don't know what to do anymore.

*phone rings*

Jin hyung is calling me. I immediately answered it.


["V, I just got something from Hannah. It's about Y/N."]

My heart starts beating fast. Is she okay?

"W-what about her?"

["She's... Three weeks pregnant. And well you should know who the father is."]


"When did she find out?"

["According to Hannah, Y/N just found about it the other day. You have to meet her right now. We're getting a flight back to Korea okay? Just talk to your parents, you have to find a way. The flight's in an hour, get ready."] And with that, hyung ended the call.

Y/N is pregnant...

Y/N is pregnant...

Y/N is pregnant...


I quickly got out of the room, looking for my parents. I need to see her.

I slammed the door of their room, shocking them.

"I'm going back to Korea. Right now."

"Stop the nonsense V. No one's going back there okay? No matter what you say." Mom hardly said.

(A/N: Before anything else, I just want to say that I have no intention of making fun or critizing our idol's family, again, this is just fantasy stories and are just part of my weird imaginations. Thank you for your understanding.)

"No mom! Y/N is pregnant and I love her! I'm willing to do anything just for you to let me see her! I will fight for her even if I have to let you go. You are my parents but I'm also your child. Can't you see?! I thought parents were supposed to support their child into things that make them happy? I thought you would help me in things I want to do? Isn't that what you're supposed to do? You're not supposed to stop me from things I want! I need to see Y/N, I love her and I'll marry her no matter what. Whatever you do and say, I won't do anymore of that. If you stop me again this time, you're not parents anymore!"

With that, I left their room.

I got my phone and wallet, I'm leaving them.

I have to see her, I have to.

After almost a year, we finally arrived in Korea. Jin hyung accompanied me, and I'm glad he did.

He's driving me now to our "so called house" with Y/N. I can't wait to see her.

"V, make sure to cook her some pancakes. She's been begging us to cook for her ever since you left. I guess she misses your cook."

She misses my cook... I miss her too.

Don't worry, I'm coming Y/N.

"Then what is it? What do you call, you leaving me without saying anything? You, leaving me like shit when I need you the most, you leaving me now that I carry your child, you making me feel so lonely and hopeless! I freaking hate you TaeTae! I just hate you, I really hate you..."

Y/N held onto the chair beside her. She's crying so much that I want to cry too. I hate seeing her like this, it hurts me so much.

She suddenly fell, good thing I was able to catch her just in time. Fvck, I knew she wasn't okay.

I carried her to her car. I quickly started it
Shit, I'm shaking. Like literally shaking. I'm nervous, I'm worried. What if something happens to her? No no no no...

We finally arrived in the hospital. I immediately carried her in and nurses started to do their stuff. Y/N was brought to the ER.

I took a deep breath.

She's going to be okay. I hope so.

"She's fine. It's just that pregnant women aren't supposed to get stressed, she probably was in shock or in anger that resulted her to collapse. You have to take care of her, for as I know you are her husband. I'll leave you then." The doctor says and left.

I took one big, deep breath before entering the room. She was there, facing the window. I don't know if she heard I came in, but sat down on the chair beside the bed, facing her but her facing the window.

I sighed.


She said nothing.

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry... I didn't want to leave you.. " Soon, tears started to fall. I can't help it.

"It's okay if you won't listen to me now, but I just want to tell you everything."

She still stayed quiet.

"I love you Y/N, I love you so much and you know that. I just had to leave because of my parents. I didn't want to, but they forced me. They don't like you, and they won't allow me to marry you. But no, I love you and I'll fight for you. You're the girl I want Y/N, you're the only girl I want for the rest of my life. I will marry you no matter what, even if you're mad at me, I'll do everything to make you forgive me..."

I heard her sobbing.

"When Jin hyung told me you were pregnant, I was happy. I was happy because I knew I was the father. But on the other side, I felt angry at myself, because... I left you at that point of time that you need me the most. Now that I'm back, I'll take care of you Y/N. I'll help you, we'll build this happy family, no more distractions. I love you to the stars and back. If my parents ever stood us from being together, I won't allow them. I'll fight for you I promise.. Just please forgive me... I love you so so much my baby..." Shit, It feels uncomfortable, but crying helps right? It reduces the pain.

Y/N was crying too, I knew that. I went to the other side of the bed and faced her. She looked sad as ever. I've never seen her like this. Her eyes were so red, her lips dry, her nose was red too, she was looking even pale. I hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I made you feel hopeless, I'm sorry I hurt you. I know it's my fault but I hate seeing you like this. I want your smile back, I want your eyes telling me that you love me, that you need me. I want your touch, I want your sweet words. Everything. I want it." She cried, even more.

I can't help it. I pulled away from the hug and stared at V.

"I hate you..."

"I, hate, you...."

"I love you too Y/N." He said.

I didn't know what to say...

"You say you hate me, but your eyes tell me you're lying. You love me, you love me so much. I know that." Fvck my anger.

I pulled him into a kiss. I don't know, but I need to forget my anger. He loves me okay? If I focus on my anger, things won't go as we want it to be. V is happy with me, so am I. Now that he's back, I won't allow him to go anymore.

The kiss stopped and TaeTae caressed my cheeks. He smiled, making me smile.

"Don't leave me again my TaeTae..."

"I won't."
A/N: I'm so sorry if my stories are cringy, I'm no expert writer hehe, hope you liked it! Don't forget to vote ❤

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