Dimple (Rap Monster)

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I was sitting in the couch, waiting for my husband, Namjoon.

He told me he was near so I'll just wait for him so we can eat together.

Namjoon is like my... 20th boyfriend hahaha but though he is, he still is my last and I am happy with that.


I quickly stood up and went close to Namjoon. I hugged him and gave him a peck on the lips. So soft haha.

"You sure are tired. Let's eat then you can rest." I said and we made our way to the kitchen table where food is already by me, of course.

While eating, I can't stop looking at Namjoon's dimple. Hehe, when he chews, I see a small sign of his dimples. It's so cute, I wish I had dimples too. :(  (A/N: Who else wants dimples like Namjoonie? Haha)

"Stop looking at me like that. You're turning me on." I was shocked at what he said. I'm turning him on by just looking at him? How?

"W-what do you mean... I was just looking at your dimple." I said and just focused on my food.

"Ah, so you married me just so that you can look at my dimple? Why? Is my dimple that sexy?" I just laughed. Psh, sexy dimple? Hahaha.

"Of course not. I married you because you proposed to me and your dimples aren't sexy. YOU are sexy." I don't know why I said that but it's true. Haha, I felt my cheeks burning.

He chuckled. "Really?" He said and stood up from his chair, came close to me and whispered something.

"Then do you want to see your sexy handsome in bed later?" Shit.

Why would he say that? Gosh Namjoon.

I didn't know what to say because... Even though he is my husband, I was shy. Aish why am I shy.

"Sh-shut up. Just eat." I said and continue eating my food. His words were still in my head. Will something happen tonight?

"My wife's blushing. Haha, I was just kidding you. Let's go to sleep early okay?" He said and went back to his chair. I just nod and smiled.

We were in bed and Namjoon was ready to sleep. I guess he really was tired from his work today. I can see from how he acts today, he was exhausted.

I hugged him tightly. We were facing each other.

I stared at his face for a while.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Why are you staring? I can't sleep." He said and kissed my nose. I smile.

"Can't I look at my husband?" I said.

"Psh, I didn't say that you can't." He said and smiled, then he fixed my hair. I took the chance and poked my finger in his dimple. Hahaha, it's so cute.

He smiled even more and I continued touching his dimple. What does it feel like to have one?

"I want our children to have dimples too..." I said out of nowhere.

"Children? Sure, why don't we make one now?"

I blush.

"Y-yah. Not now." I said.

"Why? Are you shy to your sexy handsome husband?" He said and bring his eyebrows up and down. Tsk this guy.

"Not really..."

"Then why? We can do it now." He said and suddenly went on top of me. Shit.

He kissed me passionately and I responded.

He didn't stop to kiss me which made me feel like he really wanted to do it. You know.

But we can't do it, not now.

We stopped because we needed air. "Wife, I love you so much." He said kissed me on my neck. Fvck, no no no.

"I-i love you too... But hubby we can't..." I said and tried to push him.

He looked at me with his sad eyes. "Why not?"

I tried to think of a reason... Ummmm...

"Because... Umm because... Because you're tired! Yea you're tired! You should rest. And you told me earlier that we should sleep early." I said. Hoof pleasssee...

"We can still sleep early after we do it." He said and kissed me again. Aish.

I stopped the kiss and looked at him, madly.

"I told you we can't do it. Please?" I said, hoping he would stop.

"Tell me why we can't do it and we'll sleep." He said and smiled. Why did he smile? Aish...

He started kissing me again and his hands were to off to remove my clothes. No no no this can't happen...

Should I just tell him? But I'm shy, it's embarrassing.

He'll definitely be upset if I tell him.. Aish.

I felt his hands on my waist, making me shiver. Gosh.

I pushed him making him stop the kiss.

"Stop!" I yelled. He was confused.

"Wife, I want you. Why are you making me stop..." He pouts. Oohh no no no don't pout, he looks so cute when he pouts.

"Why, don't you love me anymore? Don't you want a family? Why?" He said.

I took a deep breath first...

I have to tell him...

I have to...

This is embarrassing...

"I'm on my period!"

His reaction was priceless. I want to laugh at his face, but I was embarrassed at the same time.

"You should've just told me earlier..." He said and went back to lay on my side. He hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't to want to make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. I'm sorry." He said and kissed my forehead.

"It's okay..." I just said. Fvck. Why am I so embarrassed?

"Tsk, if you didn't mention that you wanted kids with dimples like me, I wouldn't feel hot and ask you to do it with me." He said, still hugging me. Ummm..

"Well, it's your dimple's fault! I wouldn't say anything if your dimples didn't show up." I pout even though I was facing his chest.

"Hahaha, and now you're blaming my dimples? Tsk." He pulled of the hug and faced me.

"But I still love you even though you act that way, I love you wife." He smiled again. Shit, he's dimples.

"I love you too." I said and poked his dimples again hahaha. I love poking his dimples.

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