Chapter 15

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Within the next few days, Mika was mostly in a spare room, formulating a plan. None of us were allowed in, and that's when Mika came out, with notes and her eyes clouded with bags. Avery, Travis and I traveled closer to see scribbling and crossed out sentences.

"What are you going to do?", Avery asked.

"Today, an illusionist would dress up as a guard and sneak in to get Natasha's execution files," she replied.

"W-Wait. How do we know where the prison is, or Natasha's files are?", Travis stepped in.

"When we were traveling, remember the grey-old building by the hills?".

"Yeah, but--."

"It's the prison. Nan told me that the system is much more complex, but, the executions are organized and only publicly announce it when it's the prisoner's due date", Mika informed.

"So, you're not considering the fact it may be heavily guarded or not," Travis added.

"I know... the risk of it is high, but, Natasha is along with this too. We are not leaving her behind", Mika said. Travis looked down.

"I hope it works out Mika. We can't afford to lose more people", Avery grimaced.

"Better late than never. We got to do things", Mika advised. The rest departed, and Mika pulled me closer.

"I need to speak with you," Mika said. With my heart quickened, I nodded meekly. She guided me to another spare bedroom, with us alone, and she locked the door.

"I'm sorry about your sister Kert," Mika sat next to me on the bed. Natasha screams send me flinching.

"Are you okay?", Mika spoke softly, and I shook my head.

"I keep thinking of Nash for the past week... I-I--", I trembled.

"You know we'll do something. The illusionist will go in--".

"How do we know this? We barely know about Poltlemus. What makes this any different?", I spat.

"I was born here... Nan lived, here for years. But you're right. You don't know anything about Poltlemus", Mika replied. I sighed and didn't answer to that.

"Robert is going in if you're curious," Mika added. Good move Mika.

"Robert?", I tilted my head, confused.

"The guy who you had a pee dispute. Everyone knows about it", Mika giggled, and my face flushed. Mika scooched closer, only inches away from my face. My nerves in my body flared up.

"Y-Yes?", I stammered and fidgetted uncontrollably.

"I want you to be my deputy. Up for it?", Mika grinned.

"Of course!", I replied, grinning back.

"Can I ask you something?", I smirked. Mika nodded and seemed she wanted to play along in this game. With everything happening, we got to have time for ourselves too.

"I want you too--."

"Yes," Mika laughed.

"You didn't let me finish," I laughed too, and she hugged me tightly.

"I know what you're going to say anyway. I've been thinking about it since our time in the tent. I do", Mika spoke softly.

"To do what?".

"Be your girlfriend." And with that, her lips were brought to mines. Mika's hand trailed down my back as our mouths entwined more. The most extended kiss we've ever done. We split apart.

A knock on the door and we both jumped, startled.

"Come in," Mika pulled herself together and opened it to find Avery was there.

"O-Oh. Did you guys--".

"No. What happened?", Mika's full attention was on him. The atmosphere was turning awkward.

"It's Robert. He doesn't want to do it", he replied, his eyes sunk to the floor.

"What? But we talked about this", Mika hissed. He stayed quiet.

"It can't be that bad, right?", I said. Mika turned slowly with disgust.

"Not bad? He's the only one who can use his abilities in illusion longer than anybody".

"Mika, I think Robert didn't have a say in this," Avery rebutted.  Mika shook her head.

"Please fetch him for me." Avery dashed out to the hallway.

"If only Natasha were here...", Mika muttered and lowered to the floor.

"You're already doing enough. Don't beat yourself", I assured.

"Natasha was good at leading though. I can't do this Kert", Mika added.

"But you're not her. Nan counted on you for a reason, and Robert is coming in". Avery and Robert remained in the doorway. Robert's face, grim.

"We talked about this," Mika came closer to Robert.

"No, we didn't. You begged me to do it, and I felt like if I said no, I'll look like the bad guy", Robert retorted. Mika looked stunned, but he kept going.

"My life matters. I'm not your pawn to waste when things get tricky". Mika face contorted like as if she saw a kitten getting murdered before her eyes.

"I-I d-don't--."

"Mika, ever since you've been the leader, you've been different. You silence us like a monarchy. Aren't you against that?", Robert asked.

"Of course, but--."

"And don't you believe that this group is about an equal say in things?", he continued.

"Yes," Mika said.

"So I got a deal for you. Let the illusionists have the decisions in this mission. Then I'll go", he proposed. Mika's eyes widened.

"We can't. Nan doesn't--".

"Shut up with the damn excuses!", Robert boomed, and Mika had irritation splashed on her face.

"You don't cut or shut me up", Mika hissed. Robert smiled.

"You know how it feels. So if you don't want us to, don't do it back to us either".

"I'm the leader. It's different", Mika retorted.

"And so is your personality. But enough about that, so we got a deal?", Robert smirked. Mika stayed silent.

"Let's do this", I said, looking at her with comfort. She nodded at me and looked at Robert.

"Deal". Then the plan went in motion.

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