Chapter 14

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We somehow got to the general's place, that was in the suburban part of the city. Houses that ranked from first floors to as high as four floors. With the general's home looking intimidating and tall as you let it.

With a small knock on the door, Avery was peering around. The hinges squeaked, and it revealed a dark room.

"Password?", Said the voice. Avery mumbled something I couldn't register. The locks turned and clicked. The figure let us in.

Everyone in our group was sitting either on the sofa or the floor. The room was gigantic.

"Where's the rest?", Avery asked.

"Some are upstairs, and the others are in my other houses", a defiant voice brought a tense atmosphere.

"H-How?", I blurted out, as the general turned her dark-brown eyes. The hood was covering her head.

"Kert, is it? You don't want to know. And one thing to know. You never to question my authority and my doings. Okay, kiddo?",   she warned, but her words soften at the last sentence.

"Understood...", I lingered on, trying to catch her name.

"General Sullivan. But call me Nan, everyone does", she chuckled heartily, and I saw Mika grinned from end to end. But, we're stalling. Natasha's screams echoed my mind.

"Nan... My sister was arrested. They might kill her in this second", I rambled on, but Nan wasn't listening.

 "Please," I whimpered, and everyone stayed silent. Nan took my arms and squeezed it.

"Listen here. Natasha won't get killed soon. The execution in Poltlemus takes months to plan. Me, an old citizen, knows some things. Natasha will head to prison", Nan assured me. I gritted my teeth and closed my fists.

"You don't understand. You let everyone do the dirty tasks while you're relaxing--". Nan gave me a long shush.

"Little boy, you don't know me. My battles and my life. But Yours isn't less valid. My temper was just like yours before", Nan's sharpness can cut my skin. My eyes traveled to the floor in submissiveness.

"You're right. Your sister is in trouble, and we got to do something", Nan said, pondering. Then, Nan pointed to Mika.

"Get up. We must make the announcement", Nan said. Mika nodded and stood beside her.

"Guys, get the rest to listen in," she added. Some brought a telepathic radio and got it working.

"Everyone, we have terrible news. Natasha, arrested. Now, with her execution planning, we have to have a new leader. Mika", Nan gestured. Mika nodded, and her eyes darted to me.

"Nan, it's an honor to take in Natasha's place I don't deserve. I'm not going to let you down", Mika replied, and everyone clapped quietly. It made me smiled.

"So you're in charge from now on. Your mission is to save Natasha. When she's freed, you'll be the deputy again. Understood?", Nan instructed.

"Yes, Nan. Thank you", Mika chirped. Nan nodded and smiled. Then she trailed down the hall and closed the door behind her.

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