Weiss: what took you so long!

Devan: I was looking for my gloves and shoulder bag.

Weiss: well lets go!

Team RWBY and Devan are walking along the dock of Vale. Weiss is trying not to make it look like she's spying on the other students.

Devan: can you stop looking at the other students please? 

Weiss: I have no idea what your talking about!

Yang: it's obvious your looking at the other students.

Weiss: I would never do... something... like that.

Devan: holy shit.

Yang/Ruby: what?

Devan puts his hands on Yangs and Rubys head and turns them to a Dust shop. the front glass is smashed and there are 8 body bags. he lets go and starts to walk to the shop and Team RWBY follow.

Detective1: second Dust shop to be hit this week.

Detective2: more bodies then the last time.

Detective1: not to mention the Wearhouse that. more then this place, bodies all hanging by noose, one of the bodies had a note on it.

Detective2: what it say?

Detective1: "to all White Fang members, I'm coming for you"

Devan: do you know who did it?

Detective1: no... no one dose, the only thing people heard wear gun shots and then one of them screaming" I said everything I know! please stop! I have a family"

Detective2: they may be White Fang but... I still feel bad for the bastards.

Ruby: all the bodies are White Fang?

Detective1: yeah.

Detective2: we don't get paid enough for this.

Devan's pov

after we all saw the Dust shop I asked if I could view the camera footage. they let me but as I was getting it I could hear Weiss and Blake fighting about the Faunus and the White Fang. I left team RWBY behind to get to the dorm faster so I could view the footage, I tried to get it working all day. as I was getting it Team RWBY came back and the arguing was still going on. I was trying to ignore it but the anger was... strong.

Weiss: I don't understand why this is causing such a problem.

Blake: that is the problem!

Weiss: you realize you're defending an organization that hates humanity, don't you? the Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil.

Blake: it's because of people like Cardin, people like you that force the white fang to take such drastic measures!

Weiss: I'm a victim! you want to know why I despise the White Fang? why I don't particularly trust the Faunus. they've bin at war with my family for years. war. as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted on its back for as long as I can remember. Every day my father would come home furious, and that made for a vary difficult childhood. *Ruby try's to comfort Weiss*

Devan slams his hands on his desk, Team RWBY look to Devan and the black spot on Devans neck starts to grow all over his body, he turns around and his eyes are blood red.

Devan: who gives a fuck if your a *air quotes* "victim"! have you ever had to kill for food or steel to survive!? *sarcastically waves arms* oh that's right I forgot your part of the Schnee family, did you know that there using Faunus as slaves to get that Dust for your families company? let me guess you ether know that or you don't want to know it. so tell me again are you the "victim or is Blake and all the other Faunus!? 

Ruby: Devan...

Blake: you promised me... 

Devan clenches his fist and walks to the window he looks to Ruby shedding a tear before pencil diving out it. Blake starts to tear up and runs out the door. 

Ruby: Devan, Blake come back

Ruby's pov two days later.

Two days have gone by and no sine of Blake or Devan. Every day we look despite Weiss not liking it. I just want them back, I don't care if Blake is a Faunus or if Devan... killed. There my friends and nothing will change that. Right now me, Yang and Weiss are looking for them again.

Ruby: they've bin gone all weekend.

Weiss: there fine by them selves.

Yang: Weiss come on, Blake and Devan are friends.

Weiss: they aren't my friends. 

Ruby: Weiss.

Yang: it doesn't madder there missing and we need to find them.

Weiss: a member of the White Fang and a killer Right underneath our noses!

Ruby: Devan isn't a killer. I just hope there ok. 

???? pov 

it's nice that she cares about a killer... but he's not the same person from New Marias, he has changed and for the worst. I'm sorry but he dies tonight. 

the person slings his Barret around his shoulder as he walks away. 

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