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"Woah, woah.." I blurted out as I search my pockets for some handkerchief. Gladly, I brought one.

I immediately gave it to her and she took it and started wiping her tears to dry up.

"Hey, I'm no good in giving advice but you can tell me what's bothering you. You know, just to let it out a bit." I suggested trying to ease what she's feeling.

And she forced to smile. "Yeah, thank you.." She said and I nodded my head.

"Do you wanna go somewhere more private? At the library? I still have spare time for the moment."

"Sure. But I don't wanna bother you tho.." She said looking worried.

"Nah, it's okay. I'm not doing anything at all so it's fine. Come on." I gestured her to get up so she did, and we both head to the library.

We sat at the very corner, where no one passes by that often. I faced her as we both sat down.

"So?? What made you cry?" I asked, opening the topic up. Hearing it made her tensed up a bit. Somehow, I felt guilty for my harsh approach.

"Oh yeah.." But she seemed to brushed it off so it made me at ease a bit. "I'm not really scared to tell you this personally, because I know that you're the last person who will judge me for this, but--" She cuts of herself and tears are daring to fall of again from her eyes.

I let her breath and wait for what she have to say next. She gripped tightly at my handkerchief.

"Telling this to any people generally makes me so scared..." She continued as I just looked at her waiting for what she'll say next.

"But I guess.." She shut her eyes before saying the next words.

"I-i'm not straight.."

With that, I laughed.

Her choice of words was pretty funny to be honest. The way she delivered it was very serious and all, making it more funnier for me.

She just looked at me with a confused look as to why am I even laughing on a serious matter.

"I'm sorry.. I just, find your words amusing. You're really from the closet, you just didn't realize it immediately." I chuckled while shaking my head out of amazement.

"Y-yah.. I'm new to this, okay? I'm no better, so don't judge me." She said, sniffing.

"Okay, okay." I smiled swiftly. "So.. Since when did you realize it? Are you starting to get attracted at girls?" I asked.

"Uhm.. To be honest with you, I've actually felt it way, way before." She stopped for a bit and took a deep breath before continuing.

"I-I've gotten to like someone who's out of my league, and.. And the foreign feeling made me really scared so I ran away from what I truly feel." She said softly and I just nodded my head, listening in every words she says.

"I thought I was just confused so I tried to shrug it away. And then, one of my friends introduced you to me. So.." She looked at me apologetically and gave a sheepish smile.

"You used me.. I understand.. Uhuh.." I said giving her a 'disappointed but not surprised' look.

"But hey! I thought you look really cute and all so I gave it a try. She also told me that you're gay and I was challenged. You know, maybe if I could make you like me, then it will be vice versa.." She chuckled foolishly at the thought.

"Oh yeah, did it work tho?" I asked raising one eyebrow.

"Unfortunately, no.. I've had a hard time shaking away my, in what you and Jimin would call it, gayness.." She stated and we both laughed.

"Hmm.. Wait here." I said as I stood up from my sit.

"Where are you going?" She asked and I smiled.

"I'll just go look for something real quick. Don't go anywhere, okay?" I commanded and she just nodded her head, still in confusion.

I've searched some specific book from the bookshelves. When I already found what I'm looking for, I returned from our sit.

She glanced at the book and looked back at me. "What's that for?" She asked, did not even bother to look at the title.

"You should read that. It's gonna help you find self peace with whatever you're being bothered about." I said pushing the book onto her.

"No thanks, I'm not really fond of reading books." She said shaking her head out of distaste.

I just rolled my eyes. "I know, but you should give that a try so keep it, okay?" I insisted.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Jeon." I smiled because of victory while she just gave me a bored look.

"By the way.. C-can I know who the girl is?" I asked, feeling very intrigued. "But it's okay if you won't tell me tho.."

"I-it's fine.." She smiled softly. "But try to guess it."

Hmm.. The only girl I know she's close to is-- "Is it Jisoo??"

Then she smiled bitterly. For a second, I thought I was actually right. "Close.. I-it's her cousin.."

Cousin?? Kim Jisoo's cousin? Don't tell me it's Kim--


My jaw immediately dropped because of that. "Yow shit what the fuck??!" I yelled, not thinking that we're still at the library.

"Watch your words, Mr. Jeon!" The librarian scold at me and I quickly said sorry, while Lisa just giggled at it.

"B-but isn't she a bit..." I stopped for a bit, thinking a right word to avoid offending Lisa.

"Slutty?" She continued. It's the right word, I guess?

"W-well, yeah.."

"I don't know too.. She wasn't that wild before. I guess, defense mechanism? To avoid getting hurt easily?" She explained while I just go along with it.

"Oof, it's almost subject hours, I think we should go back now." She suggested and I agreed, nodding my head.

"I'll walk you to class."



As soon as we reached Lisa's room, she thanked me. When I started to walk away, she called me again.

"Hey, Mr. Jeon?" I glanced, looking back.


"I think you should be aware that I'm not the only one who should be out of the closet." She stated and it got me confused.

"What the fuck does that mean, Manoban??"


Hi guys! I think this book is only a few chapters away from it's end. I don't think i would make it longer because I know I'm gonna make more mistakes and plot holes if I'd do that lmao(≧∇≦)/  anyways, always take care love y'all chuu~ 😘

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