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"But she's not you tho.." He said, looking down at the floor.

I laughed at his stupid response. "Of course she's not me. I'm your best friend, she's your 'girlfriend'. There's a big difference Tae." I stated walking towards their counter table and sat there comfortably.

"E-exactly.." He murmured.

"Exactly what?" I looked at him, waiting for a valid reason.

"Can't I be clingy to my best fweend? Huh?? You're such a meanie, I'll tell mom!!" His childish act made me burst out laughing.

"Stop, it doesn't suit you, dummy." I said giggling.

"But it's true tho. There's nothing bad at hugging you coz it's-- you know, normal.." He said smiling sheepishly.

"Oh yeah?? You think?" I said grinning and doubting his words.

"Yes! We're best friends, others even go to shower together you know.." He replied, explaining himself like a kid.

It was so adorable, it made me chuckle.

"We wouldn't want to go that far, would we?" I asked and I got an immediate nod in the head.

"Of course, of course.."

"Good, cause I wouldn't want to see your itsy bitsy parts." I joked out and he gasped dramatically.

"How dare you say that! I'm proud of my body, okay? Many girls would die just to see this." He stated proudly said while gesturing his body parts.

"Sure, if that's what make sleep well at night." I nodded my head and he just scoffed at what I said.

"You know what never mind. You're really harsh to me this past few days, I'm starting to get jealous." He said, slightly stomping his feet as if I would fall for that act.

"Okay, first of all, I'm not harsh to you. And second, to what are you even jealous about?" I asked, defending myself from this brat.

"Who else have a 'best' friend here? Is it me? No, clearly it is not." He questioned back childishly.

'He's not talking about Jimin, is he?'

"Park Jimin, I'm talking about him Mr. In case, you don't have any idea." He answered himself.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "You're crazy. I'm actually spending my time with you more than I spend my time with Chim." I'm not really sure if he even understand my explanation.

Sure thing, he noticed something foolish.

"Oh, so he has a nick name now?" He asked and I don't know where this is going anymore.

I don't want us to fight so I just gave up easily. "You know what? How about we watch movie this Saturday together? To make it up to you?" I said giving him a persuasive smile.

"Seems.. seems like a good idea. Okay.." He said, sounding a bit skeptic.

"Good, we'll have a good time I'm sure. And we could go shopping after." I suggested wiggling my brows just to be more convincing.

"What, I thought--- No, we're gonna watch here at my house. It means you're gonna stay for the night. That's way more fun." He declared so I just go with it.

"Okay, okay. But I better go now. We still have classes tomorrow." I said and got up from my sit.

He tried to offer me a ride but I declined it saying I'll just walk home. I wanna get some fresh air.

I've bid my goodbye with Mr. and Mrs. Kim while Youngjae was already asleep.

And with that, I walked through the streets. The cold wind calming my nerves.

'You're such a pain in the ass, Kim Taehyung..'


The next day came and half of my subjects have already passed. It was the same usual shit except I'm eating all alone at the canteen right now.

Tae of course, with his very perfect girlfriend..

Well, the midget started flirting with his varsity crush. I don't know when it did happen, he just came running at me while squealing like a dumb maniac a few hours ago before our class started.

Of course I let him be, it's what best friends do. Who knows what they're doing now, making out or worst, fuc--

"Hey Mr. Jeon.." I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a feminine voice beside me.

I looked to my right only to see Lisa smiling at me.

And it wasn't her usual jolly smile. It's the same smile I always wore whenever I'm tryna hide something related on my thoughts.

"Hey.." The only thing I've said. I'm not good at approaching people, don't judge me.

"How's life going for you?" She asked with a bit gloomy tone.

"It's doing great, I think.. But it still going pretty bitchy at me sometimes." I stated biting off the sandwich on my hand and turned to look at her. "How about you?" I asked back.

"Just same with you.." She answered but I can hint the lie on her gloomy face.

"Well that's cool.."

"Yeah, thank you for letting me sat with you by the way."

I actually didn't, she just sat without asking me-- but well.

"No problem."

And it became silent for a few minutes until I can't stand it anymore so I asked her.

"A-are you sure you're doing great??" I asked showing my concern.

She glanced at me for a bit and looked through the crowds without saying anything.

It became awkward but I tried to hold her arms.

That's when her eyes started tearing up. I got shocked but I immediately went closer to her.

That's when she started sobbing her heart out...

Hey~ I just wanna say I love you all!😊😚💕

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